Bleeding Edge Xcloud

Bleeding Edge Comes Smashing Into Project Xcloud For Android Users

Bleeding Edge is Ninja Theory’s multiplayer team arena battle game that recently launched on PC and Xbox One. The game combines frantic melee combat with a heavy focus on teamwork to complete objective-based game modes. How would you feel if you found out that you could take this multiplayer experience on the go with you? Then today might just be your lucky day.

Ninja Theory announced today that Bleeding Edge will be coming to the Project Xcloud preview. Android users can now enjoy Bleeding Edge on the go as part of the Project Xcloud Preview on Android. The game joins over 50 other games that are currently part of the Project Xcloud preview program on Android. Other games include Devil May Cry V, Gears 5, Tekken 7 and many more. It will be interesting to see what game comes to Project Xcloud next. More in particular, when more games will be added to the more recently announced preview for iOS users.

Will you be trying out Bleeding Edge on Project Xcloud? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to check back for the latest gaming news and information.

For more information on Project Xcloud don’t forget to check out the latest episode of the Iron Lords Podcast featuring former Project Xcloud head Bill Stillwell.