What Could We See At Today’s Xbox Event?

Next-generation speculation and reveals are one of the most exciting aspects of gaming. What games could we see on the launch date? What new groundbreaking features are we going to see heading into the next generation?  With the announcement of Xbox’s upcoming July event, I decided to sit down and think about some games and announcements I would like to see for Xbox heading into the next generation. From new games, DLC for current titles, and more. Let’s talk about what the future could hold for Xbox.

Playground’s RPG/Fable

We have heard rumors, rumors, and more rumors when it comes to what Playground Games has been working on. When it was revealed that Playground Games was going to be stepping outside of the racing genre. With the studio taking a stab at an RPG, many people have been paying attention. The rumors circulating are that it’s Fable, which has long been a big Xbox franchise in the previous generation. To say fans are excited would be a massive understatement.

Fable was a staple RPG of the Xbox brand,  a highly regarded and ambitious game from Lionhead Studios. However, when Lionhead was closed down in 2016. Many people thought that meant the end of Fable. If Playground Games can show the level of quality and care that they have given to the Forza Horizon series, then apply it to Fable, we could truly have an amazing RPG on Xbox. The Xbox One suffered from a limited variety in regard to its first-party offerings. A high-quality RPG would do a fantastic job of finally burying this criticism.

Gears 5 Single Player DLC

Gears 5 is one of my favorite Xbox One games of this generation. This prediction is more of a personal wish of mine. I would personally love to see some single-player DLC for Gears 5. One of the reasons I believe that we might see some single-player DLC is because of how far out Gears 6 most likely is. With a new Gears game not likely hitting until the midpoint of the Xbox Series X generation. It would give Gears fans something exciting to play leading up to the release of the next installment. The Coalition has been doing an incredible job in showing off what the Gears 5 will look like on Xbox Series X. This leads me to believe there will be more content coming to the game outside of the usual multiplayer offerings.

Halo Infinite Blowout

The last time that Halo launched with a new console was all the way back in 2001 when the original Xbox was released. After Halo 5’s lukewarm reception from long-time fans, and Xbox’s overall average performance of this generation, Halo Infinite has a lot riding on it. It would almost be safe to say this is one of the most important moments in the history of Xbox. While that statement seems to be very hyperbolic, it rings true. Meanwhile, Xbox has been making amazing moves to improve the Xbox ecosystem and deal with criticism. One nagging doubt remains in many people’s heads. Can Xbox deliver a return to form for one of their biggest franchises?

It has been stated that the focus of the Halo Infinite reveal will focus solely on the single-player campaign. While some fans have expressed disappointment at this. I think this is an incredibly smart move. One of the biggest clouds hanging over 343 Industries has been their ability to deliver an amazing story within the Halo universe. This deep dive into the campaign will hopefully remove any doubts on 343’s ability to deliver. We could possibly get some info in regards to the multiplayer mode. After a report from Windows Central has hinted that the multiplayer could be free to play. Does it feel like that could, at the very least, be mentioned? Only time will tell.


Rare has completely stepped in a new direction this generation with its first online-focused game Sea of Thieves. While it had some growing pains at launch, the game currently is the most successful new IP for Xbox this generation. With over 15 million players, it is no doubt that Sea of Thieves is a massive success. This is what now makes Everwild so interesting.

Everwild was revealed at X019 and was a highlight of the event. While it appears to be an adventure game at its core, it features the signature beauty of Rare’s art design. When it was revealed it was referred to being early in development. It is unlikely we see a release date for this game. However, it would be great to learn more about this beautiful world. As well as what the player will be doing within this world.

Perfect Dark Reboot From The Initiative

I am split completely down the middle on whether we will see The Initiative at this event. If we do see them at the event, it will no doubt be to give fans an early look at the Perfect Dark reboot. While many fans are divided on whether they wanted Xbox’s new studio to work on a brand new IP or an established one. Personally, I think it is brilliant for The Initiative to cut their teeth on Perfect Dark first, for a couple of reasons.

There is a lack of stealth/spy experiences on the market currently. While many AAA games feature stealth as a component of gameplay. There are very few stealth focused franchises remaining. With Ubisoft focusing Assassin’s Creed on a more RPG experience. While Sam Fisher has been relegated to a mobile game. It is up to games like Dishonored and Hitman to carry the stealth torch. A new contender in the arena would be more than welcome. It has been a long time since we last had a Perfect Dark game. The last new installment in the franchise was Perfect Dark: Zero which was a launch title for the Xbox 360.

Cuphead: The Delicious Last Course

Cuphead was a highlight of the “dark” days of the Xbox One generation. The game bleeds charm and is one of the most challenging run-and-gunners in recent memory. When the DLC was officially announced back in 2018, the prospect of being able to dive back into this colorful world was exciting. After a handful of delays, it seems highly unlikely that this expansion is not shown at this event. At the very least it will be shown during the pre-show event.

Obsidian’s New RPG?

One of the biggest acquisitions that Xbox has made this generation in terms of their first-party studios, is without a doubt Obsidian. The developers behind classic RPGs such as Fallout: New Vegas and Pillars of Eternity. While also proving with their new IP The Outer Worlds, that they still have a lot of creativity in the tank. The studio is now working in three separate teams. While one small team works on Grounded, the upcoming survival project. Another team works on The Outer Worlds, which we are rumored to be getting DLC for. There has reportedly been a third team at Obsidian working on an unannounced “big” RPG.

While no concrete evidence of this currently exists at this point in time. This is one that I personally hope for the most. Obsidian have been crafting some of my favorite RPGs of all time. Seeing so many people experience the studio’s fantastic style for the first time with The Outer Worlds was fantastic. I hope we get to see more of what this super talented studio is working on.

Psychonauts 2 Will Be Looking Double Fine

Aside from the terrible joke in the title of this heading. We will hopefully get the final release date for Double Fine’s upcoming game Psychonauts 2. The game was delayed back in 2019, as the team wanted to put additional work into the title. With a blanket window of releasing sometime in 2020, as we close out July the window gets smaller every day. It feels like we will inevitably get to see a final trailer plus the games release date which will likely land very soon.

Could we see a new project from Double Fine? It seems highly unlikely, however, if I was to ever put all of my wishings into a single game for them to make. It would be that the studio gets to make a follow up to the cult classic Brutal Legends. The game that saw Jack Black take on the role of metalhead roadie Eddie Riggs. The game had a killer soundtrack, addictive and unique gameplay along with legendary metal musician cameos. While there’s almost a 0% chance it gets announced, a fan of the franchise can dream.

Wild Cards And What We Already Know

This section of my predictions is a generalized overview of things that I did not mention that could possibly be shown. Things like Battletoads getting a release date during the Xbox pre-show event. It could even be shadow dropped as a “the game is now available on Xbox Game Pass” type of moment. We most likely will get a new trailer for Wasteland 3 ahead of its August launch. We most likely could see an announcement for the console port for Gears Tactics, which most likely will be launching alongside the Xbox Series X.

Other wild cards are games that I believed will be shown that were not affected by COVID-19 setbacks. But now, I don’t feel in my gut that we will see more of. These are games such as anything related to Senua’s Saga: Hellblade II, Project Mara, and Forza Motorsport 8. Other wildcards are studios that have been relatively quiet over the past little while. Could we see something from Compulsion Games or Undead Labs? It seems unlikely, but with Xbox Game Studios focusing heavily on multiple teams within a single studio. It makes it hard to guess, what all these different studios could be working on.

In Conclusion

It has been a long time since things have been so exciting for Xbox. This generation was no doubt a rough, and trying experience for the brand. But they seem to have made it through the worst of it and are on a positive path heading into the next generation. If they can nail this show, as well as the August show in which we will no doubt get more details about the Xbox Series X, and rumored Xbox Lockheart. If you are a fan of Xbox there is no better time then now. Here is hoping we see some awesome games and surprises that we weren’t expecting.



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