Best Buy Will Now Allow for Refunds on Open Copies of Cyberpunk 2077

Best Buy Is Allowing Refunds for Opened Copies of Cyberpunk 2077


Following Sony and Microsoft’s lead, Best Buy will now allow refunds for Cyberpunk 2077. To say that Cyberpunk 2077 has had a tumultuous week, would be an understatement.

First, reports of bugs which rendered the game nearly unplayable for many, surfaced. Then, an apology by CD Projekt Red, which shifted attention to Sony and Microsoft came next. An apology which promised refunds through those companies but coincidentally, CDPR had not discussed any agreement with them. Finally, the fiasco capped off with Sony offering full refunds and pulling the game from their digital storefront. A move that has caught the online populace by complete surprise.

Best Buy Will Now Allow for Refunds on Open Copies of Cyberpunk 2077

Today, Microsoft announced that they too, would offer full refunds for digital copies. But, unlike Sony, they won’t pull Cyberpunk 2077, off of their digital storefront. What we have on our hands, is a snowball effect of increasingly growing controversies on, what feels like, a daily basis.

Now, Best Buy steps up to the plate. Recently, Best Buy announced that they too would offer refunds of opened copies of Cyberpunk 2077. A post by the Senior Social Media Specialist at Best Buy, breaks the news. He mentions, while Best Buy normally doesn’t offer returns of already opened game’s, Cyberpunk 2077 is a different case. Best Buy will now allow returns for select opened copies of Cyberpunk 2077 through, December 21, 2020. If you return the game past that day, you won’t have any luck in returning your copy.

Although, it is not clear what constitutes a “selected” copy of the game, this move is unprecedented. This goes to show just how rough of a state this game is in. You would have to imagine that other brick and mortar stores, like Target, will follow suit soon.

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