There are two parts to Warframe that have surprised me lately. One of them is the free-to-play obligatory battle pass. As well as a companion app for Warframe. These two parts are very unique and really add to the overall experience of the game itself.
The Warframe Companion App is Useful
There is a variety of uses for this app. If you’re someone who is tracking down stuff. You can see what you’re missing in the codex. You can check day and night cycles for plains of eidolon or the other cycles in Fortuna or Deimos. Additionally, you could also check out what activities are available without having to boot the game up.
One of my favorite uses for the app is the foundry. Where you can see the items you’re currently building, as every item takes real-world time to build. As well as being able to start new builds or finish old ones. It is especially useful when you’re not at home to do this stuff manually and want to keep cycles going. Players who focus on relic farming can even modify their relics for the long night ahead if you’re on a mission or not at home.
It is a neat little app that can help out hardcore players. You can even catch news about the game. Such as hotfixes or announcements like a new battle pass being on the way.
Riding the Nightwave
The battle pass in Warframe is one that I can easily describe as a “pro-consumer business practice”. But let me explain what I mean by that. Nora’s Nightwave Radio is a thirty-tier free battle pass, and when I say free, I mean that is completely free. All thirty tiers are free to unlock by just playing the game. There is no premium version of it and each tier rewards stuff that is meaningful for the game. You cannot pay to progress either.
Rewards can either be cosmetic, mods for certain weapons, lucrative arcanes, or currency for Nora’s weekly rotated shop. This shop hosts a staggering amount of stuff in it. Items that could alternatively be bought with platinum, the games premium currency, like warframe helmets as well as necessary items like orokin catalysts and reactors can be bought with the currency from Nora. Additionally, the rotation can allow you to farm previous nightwave story rewards.
Such as buying beacons from her to fight the “Wolf of Saturn 6” for parts of his weapon. Or being allowed to fight “Nihil” to get the blueprint for his sword. It is unbelievable that so much stuff can be earned for free by just doing oddly specific tasks in the game.
There are three tiers of tasks to earn reputation with Nora. There are dailies that give a thousand, weeklies that give forty-five hundred, and elite weeklies that give seven-thousand. You need ten thousand for each rank and after spending a month with it? I have begun to prestige the battle pass. Where you can keep doing tasks and earning reputation, but each reward in this additional track only gives currency for Nora’s shop.
In Conclusion/TLDR
To go over everything said here for the Companion App:
- You can use it to check activities.
- Can be used to check what you’re missing.
- You can catch any news via notifications.
- As well as allowing you to manage your foundry.
And to go over everything for the battle pass:
- It is 100% free and you cannot change that no matter how hard you try.
- Every reward is meaningful.
- You can earn currency to buy other meaningful stuff.
- You can earn past rewards from other battle passes in the weekly rotation, if you’re lucky.
These are two perfect parts of Warframe and I would not change anything about them.