Jake Solomon

Midnight Suns & XCOM Creative Director Jake Solomon | PlayStation Showcase | Xbox ABK EU Approved


Welcome to another episode of The Iron Lord Podcast. Jake Solomon joins the Lords. The Lords discuss his journey to Firaxis Games and becoming Creative Director of Xcom and Midnight Suns. The Lords also discuss the upcoming PlayStation Showcase, the EU approving the Xbox Activision deal, and the GeForce NOW plus Xbox partnership. ILP 305 is in the books!


00:00 – ILP# 305 Pre-Show!

12:19 – ILP# 305 Show Start! The intro Video Ends at 13:58.

14:57 – @LordCognito is up with “Lordly Introductions” for this week’s special guest, who is also the creative director for #MarvelsMidnightSons & #XCom! We have Lord Jake Solomon (@SolomonJake)!

36:10 – Lord Jake Solomon talks everything with the Lords: from his gaming history to his history in the industry & beyond!

02:38:22 – Lord Jake gives his Top 5 Games/Franchises & Favorite Console of All-Time!

02:48:27 – The Lords go over last week’s results for the Official #ILP #LOGNET Poll!

03:07:06 – And now a word from Lord @KingDavidOTW about #Manscaped !

03:27:22 – The Lords give their thoughts on the upcoming #Playstation Showcase!

04:01:21 – The Lords discuss the recent EU update for the #XboxABK deal!

04:25:11 – The Lords discuss the arrival of #Xbox games on #GeforceNow !

04:37:49 – The new question for the Official #ILP #LOGNET Twitter Poll is up for the week!

04:38:34 – The Lords do their Outros!


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See more ILP: Check out A Glimpse Into Hi-Fi Rush With John Johanas From Tango Gameworks

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