How to Prepare for Abyss of Dagath in Warframe


The Abyss of Dagath update for Warframe launches in under a few short weeks. This will be a pretty massive update due to its many, many changes. From the Hydroid Rework, Companion Rework, and many different changes to the games core systems. To the next warframe, Dagath and how to earn her. She will be a pretty unique warframe to earn, and here is how you can prepare for her and some of the changes!

Abyss of Dagath Prep for Warframe

For starters, let us go over how you can prepare to earn Dagath herself. In the recent Devstream, they talked about a new activity that required you buying keys from syndicates. These keys will activate nodes on certain planets to earn specific resources to build Dagath herself.

Warframe Dagath Abyssal Beacon
Devstream 173 Screenshot

These will cost 5,000 reputation each so my advice is to get started on maxing out your available syndicates.

In addition to your daily reputation cap, you can also do your daily syndicate missions and farm medallions. I recommend equipping both animal instinct on your companion and Thief’s wit. This will increase the visibility of medallions on your radar. Just look for abnormalities when farming.

These can at the very least be useful to max out your standing every day when the update drops. Effectively cutting out some of the grind in addition to the new missions. In addition to this, make sure you join a clan if you are not in one yet as the only way to buy her and her weapons blueprints and parts are from an exclusive dojo room, similar to the warframe, Yareli.

Next you will want to get yourself a Hydroid if you do not have one. He is getting a massive overhaul to his abilities, so he will be worth checking out. When farming him, set yourself to public to get into groups, or find a hydroid prime set in the trade chat. If you need a guide on how to build him post Abyss of Dagath, we will have one as soon as possible.

Finally, start farming out mods for your companions like Kubrows and Kavats. The companion system is getting a major overhaul and should become more preferred over sentinels. You can find a lot of pet mods either through normal missions on earth via the kubrow nests, or bounties through different open worlds. If you are looking for specific ones, don’t be afraid to ask the trade chat!

Abyss of Dagath for Warframe drops on October 18th. So you will have a good bit of time to prepare.

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