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The Game Awards 2023: Marvel’s Blade is the Next Game From Arkane Lyon Studios


The Game Awards are back. A one-night-only celebration of all things gaming live from the Peacock Theater in downtown Los Angeles. Today, December 7th, the best games from the year will be recognized and a ton of game announcements will be made. With that, fans had a first look at Arkane Lyon Studio’s next project, Marvel’s very own Blade.

Arkane Studio is Working on Marvel’s Blade

Blade Red Silhouette promo image

Who would have thought that Arkane Studio is working on Blade, the infamous half-human half-vampire (dhampir) from Marvel. Well, it turns out the game’s reveal just surprised everyone at this year’s TGAs.

Many gaming journalists and insiders have been dropping hints that Arkane Lyon Studio’s upcoming game could be unveiled during The Game Awards. Most assumed that a sequel to Dishonored was in the works. But now Arkane is hard at work developing the first full-featured game starring the vampire since 2002.

How excited are you about the upcoming Blade game? Have you read the comics or seen the previous movies? Let us know in the comment section below. And as always, be sure to check out our coverage of The Game Awards.

1 comment on “The Game Awards 2023: Marvel’s Blade is the Next Game From Arkane Lyon Studios
  1. No Dishonored, no Prey and now they’re going to follow up their disastrous Redfall with attempt number two at a vampire game back to back. Is it an immersive sim? Nope, a third person action game. The Arkane we loved is gone. I remember at some show Pete Hines was asked about sales of Dishonored and Prey and he said something along the lines of “they all made money, not every game has to make a billion dollars.” That was a little while after Prey came out and we know now that both franchises are likely dead. Arkane Austin is still going to be working on Redfall and Bethesda said Blade is in the first days of production so that will be what Arkan Lyon is doing for years to come. smh.

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