With nearly a week into its life span, Whispers in the Walls has been a rousing success for Warframe. From the amazing cinematic quest to awesome new secret bosses and a beautiful new zone. It has more than exceeded expectations, but the fun has not stopped there. As a new Clan Operation has finally started to continue the narrative. That being Gargoyle’s Cry, and it is quite the fun but grindy experience as to be expected from the game. But how does it work and what do you do? Here is an easy-to-follow guide to get started!
The Rising Tide in Whispers in the Walls
For starters, you will have to go to your clan dojo and find the Vigilant Jahu Gargoyle from Whispers in the Walls. It should be built by now, but if not you can build it very easily with these resources:
Afterwards, you will have to start fighting against the Fragmented Tide boss in Effervo. You can go into public and find any group doing the fight.
But I do recommend if you do not have your reputation maxed out for the day to set your lobby to public and do the assassination bounty if applicable. This will ensure you get your reputation while doing the operation.
You will need to earn curses by defeating the Fragmented Tides. These are needed for the weekly goal for your clan to earn an exclusive statue. You can earn one of the following from which one you take on:
- Suzerain: Knowing Curse.
- Anchoride: Seeing Curse.
- Zelator: Hearing Curse.
If you take on the Fragmented One in Steel Path, you will earn 2 of each while earning 1 of each in normal activities. Before fighting the boss however, you will need to down a Void Angel. It is basically the same as fighting them in the Zariman.
You will also earn Grotesque Splinters from the boss. These resources are spent at the Gargoyle’s shop. You can earn 1-3 in normal activities and 3-5 in Steel Path. There are a ton of cosmetics, and Arcanes to buy in this shop. I recommend going for the new Signa if it is unlocked and buying enough Arcane Energize’s to make a rank 5 variant. It is a very lucrative arcane.
But this is pretty much Gargoyle’s Cry in Whispers in the Walls. It will last until January 15th, so get to work and have fun!