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Armed Fantasia April 2024 Update


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Another month has come and gone. We are finally into the Spring season. With that being said as you can guess we have another update. In this update for Armed Fantasia To The End Of The Wilderness, we get some project new, but more so a focus on The Order of the Sacred Key. Also how they relate to the overall story and lore of the game, so let’s get into it.

To kick off the update for April the team greeted the community by saying this:

Hello JRPG Fans!

Spring is finally here. Great weather, beautiful cherry blossoms, and some awesome JRPGs being released as well.

Project News

Sekiya, the Director of the game, provides this month’s update. Sekiya had this to say:

Hello. I’m Sekiya, the director of Armed Fantasia. We’re past the Spring Equinox, and it’s still cold, but suddenly the cherry blossom trees nearby have started blooming, and now it feels almost hot. The temperature differences have been crazy lately. Speaking of crazy temperature differences, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire was released. Since the Japanese subtitle is “Frozen Summer,” a senseless thought crossed my mind: “Since it’s set in summer, why don’t they just release it in summer?”

I also thought that a movie where the Ghostbusters run around fits New York better than Oklahoma. If there’s something strange in your neighborhood, who are you gonna call? In Londenium, you would call not the Ghostbusters, but the Order of the Sacred Key. Therefore, in this month’s update, I’d like to reveal a little bit more about the Order of the Sacred Key, since it has very deep ties to the story and worldbuilding of Armed Fantasia.

Overview of the Order of the Sacred Key

When talking about the Order in Armed Fantasia, Sekiya said this:

In the ever-spreading wilderness of Londenium, all communities that were once called nations have disappeared. Instead, people huddle together in villages and do their best to live day by day while facing the threats of the harsh environment, the Anomalies disasters that frequent it, and the incurable disease known as wilderness syndrome. In a world where lawlessness prevails and people can devolve into beasts at the drop of a hat, the Order of the Sacred Key exists as a governing body that strives to bring order, infrastructure, and daily security to the world.

The Order was supposedly established nearly 1000 years ago, and worships as its symbol the “and it worships as its symbol the Holy Maiden of the Blade who is said to have saved mankind from the threat of the “white darkness.” Although the Order is technically a church, it contains next to no religious elements, and the people of Londenium don’t particularly consider it an object of worship. The Order simply exists to teach people the skills and knowledge they need to survive in the wilderness.

As the words engraved on its emblem suggest, they believe humanity is the key to the future of mankind. Thus, they have not flinched from donning iron and shedding blood in order to raise the flag of their ideals, embodying love, courage, and hope as they remain focused on their practices. Currently, the Order has become such an integral part of people’s lives that they would not be able to make a living without its help. This is why the Order is sometimes referred to as the “World Management Organization.”

Structure for the Order of the Sacred Key

There is a specific structure when it comes to the Order in Armed Fantasia. In regards to talking about how it works, this is what was said:

The Order dispatches necessary personnel from its home base, the Sacred Citadel, and maintains administration and security in districts that have been divided up based on existing settlements. In some districts, the Order is fully in charge of all operations, while others have their own leaders who govern themselves with assistance from the church, such as one that contains an arena where spectators delight in watching bloody duels.

The former case is the norm for comparatively new settlements that were formed from groups of drifters, such as Lostave, Ingram’s hometown. The head of each district is named the “district sage” and receives special consideration from members of the Order. The highest authority in the Order who leads the gurus is the “Pope”…but this seat has currently been vacant for a long time, and actual commands are instead issued by the “cardinals”.

Agnija Hagentaph, the leader of the Order staff and church knights, is in charge of the future development of Londenium. He is an “average person”, but also a man of action with the ability to make decisions, and never shirks from leading the knights when the unexpected occurs.

The Order’s Roles: Anomalies Disaster Relief

Next, we have some insight into the different roles of the Order of the Sacred Key in Armed Fantasia. This is what was said about the first told of the Order:

The most important mission of the Order is to provide relief for Anomalies disasters. The Order maintains a large army of knights and dispatches combat-trained church knights to each district. These church knights patrol the areas they’re assigned to and take the initiative in protecting people in the event of a Anomalies appearance. In addition, Pathfinder Guilds and ARM Shops sponsored by the Order and run by their employees have been set up in each district. These facilities support Pathfinders in a variety of ways, such as providing intel on kaiju and selling/providing ARMs to those who have been approved by the Order, and also paying out rewards to those who exterminate Anomalies.

The Order’s Roles: Arm R&D

The second role is R&D and this is what was said about that:

As the years go by, Anomalies mate, adapt to their environments, and become more powerful. To counter these threats, the Order also aims to strengthen the ARMs used by church knights and Pathfinders. The ARM development bureau of the church continually develops additional modules and new versions based on the battle data they collect to keep evolving ARMs and discovering more effective ways to exterminate Anomalies.

The Order’s Roles: Ruins Exploration and Management

The Order of the Sacred Key is involved with ruins exploration and management. This is how that works:

As ruins from prehistoric civilization are scattered throughout Londenium, now and then someone may unexpectedly come across over-technology that has been lost in modern times or dangerous ancient alchemy that is beyond human control. One of the duties of Order employees is to discover these dangerous ruins in cooperation with Pathfinders.

When particularly dangerous relics are found, the relevant sites are sealed off with a designated Order seal. Managing such things so that they do not fall into the hands of unknowing people is yet another important role of the Order. In addition, the Order has proactively gathered talented experts from around the world to form a research team that researches technology obtained from the ruins and feeds it back into infrastructure and ARMs. The restoration and further development of civilization are always on their mind.

Types of Order Employees

There are different types of employees in the Order. These are some of those Order employees in Armed Fantasia:

To facilitate the administration in each district, the Order maintains a large number of employees. Including everyone from clerks to technicians, who support people’s lives with their respective skills. In addition, there are different ranks and types of church knights with differing missions who represent the Order’s military presence. The “Knight Commander” leads the church knights. Alicia’s father once held this position but has since retired.

“Standard knights” are the most common, and are dispatched to various districts under commands to carry out specific duties. After passing a promotion examination, a standard knight can become an “elite knight.” Then earns the right to act alone and command a platoon. This enables them to carry out their duties in a more spontaneous manner. “Special duty knights” wear red surcoats and are assigned special missions removed from the general chain of command.

A male Order employee, characterized by his long robes. In addition to managing facilities related to the Order, he uses his expertise to protect the Order knights on the homefront during operations.
A female elite knight. They have a wide range of knowledge and leadership skills as unit leaders. It’s difficult to become an elite knight unless you’re skilled at using a particular type of ARM.
A special duty male knight. Since they rarely participate in operational activities with ordinary Order knights, the nature of their work is shrouded in mystery.

That concludes this month’s update. Next month’s update will be released during Japan’s Golden Week holiday.


This month’s update for Armed Fantaisa was cool. I liked how they gave some insight into the game with The Order of the Sacred Key. The update went into some details when talking about the Order. More specifically, how much the Order is involved with the happenings of the game. We got to see their role in the world. In addition, we got to see how extensively they administrate their affairs. It’s no surprise how they have essentially become an omnipotent aspect of everyday life. Nothing gets by the Order without them knowing.

You can tell by the ruins and exploration section when they say certain things get sealed with the seal of the order. So from all this, it seems they have their hands in all the cookie jars so to speak.  I hope future updates continue to do the same as they reveal more and more about the game. Stay tuned for more updates from me for Armed Fantasia: To The End Of The Wilderness.