Warframe: Endless Meteors Ember Build


With Jade Shadows right around the corner in Warframe. There will be a whole slew of different buffs and changes to various warframes and status effects. In a recent announcement regarding Ember, there will be some big changes in a small way coming to her ability kit. Streamlining Fireball and making her second and third ability less costly and more synergetic. With that in mind, I feel like it is a good idea to share the build I have been using for her. One that makes her rain death from above. As well as keep you fed with energy without resorting to the Nourish subsume.

Endless Meteors Build for Embe in Warframe

For starters, here is the mod and arcane set up:

There is a lot to go over. For starters, Fleeting Expertise and Boreal’s Hatred are essential considering it will cut her ability cost to 25%. I opted to not use any standard Power Strength mods as Precision Intensify, Exothermic and Arcane Energize are essential to this build. Exothermic will allow every enemy to have a chance to drop an energy orb when you hit them with her fourth ability. As well as Arcane Energize boosting that energy game, and Precision Intensify bringing that base damage to 205%. Molt Augmented over time will give another 60% so long as you are killing enemies in droves.

Archon Vitality helps with getting that extra 60% with double heat procs. It will also help her first and third ability inflict more heat on enemies. The range is also fair on this build, as nearly double in most areas maximizes the four spams. Below are the Archon Shards I picked for the build:

The extra effectiveness of energy orbs from the Tauforged yellow, coupled with the casting speed is a major boon to this build as well. For what Tenno school to go with, I recommend Unairu. Considering the shield stripping can help in Corpus missions, and likewise for the armor strip in Grineer missions. Not to mention Last Gasp for guaranteed self-revives if you do not have it unbounded.

If her first ability is still not to your liking, I’d recommend Gloom, to slow down foes and get you some health regeneration. But this is my build I dubbed “Endless Meteors” due to how it feels in most missions. Give it a shot in Warframe, Tenno!