Prince of Persia The Lost Crown No Title

The Legend of Mount Qaf

1 minute read
Prince of Persia The Lost Crown Title Screen

This poem serves as an introduction to Prince of Persia: The Lost Lost Crown, by spreading the tale of the great city our protagonist must conquer. A city where time stands still; unable to move on, due to the death of one beloved king and the tide of suffering following in his shadow.

The Immortals ride into the gates of Mount Qaf

Where Time’s sickly glow.

Petrified the great city

Straddling its present between nothing and eternity.

Stillness and motion; akin to stagnant rivers.

 Sickly and rotting.

In reverence to the king, all men followed.

Their minds bloated by time.

 Bodies aged centuries.

Yet a moment is barely passed.

At the foot Of Mount Qaf.

Where lost deities linger.

Yearning to be freed…

 From the dead king’s curse.

Concept art of a ship being ripped apart by the ragging sea.