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Warframe Devshorts 37 Breakdown

2 minutes read

At the beginning of the year, Digital Extremes started a new series of miniature Devstreams called Devshorts. These are always hosted by Digital Extremes CEO Steve Sinclair, and the Creative Director of Warframe, Rebecca Ford. Yesterday’s episode of Devshorts served as the final one of this year before they go dark until the launch of Warframe: 1999. But that did not stop them from having a slew of minor, yet exciting info drops for their community. Here are all the highlights from Devshorts 37!

Devshorts 37 for Warframe Breakdown

With Warframe: 1999 coming this month, which is crazy to think about. As it was shown last year and had so much content revealed for it so far. But to wrap all of the info drops before its launch, in this episode of Devshorts, they went over the following in a very chilled manner:

  • When Warframe: 1999 goes live, players on Xbox and Nintendo Switch players will have to redownload the full game due to a “Remaster” being done for the game on those platforms. Players on PlayStation and PC may only have to download a patch.
  • Hair physics and lighting for all hair in Warframe will be getting a noticeable overhaul. Going alongside this are two new hair styles for the Drifter, styled as the characters in the Caliber Chicks mini game coming in the update featuring one that will allow you to live out your Metal Gear dreams.
  • The new PvEvP game mode Face Off will not “balance” any builds you go into them with. Allowing players to have fun and put their skills to the test. If you are afraid of being outperformed by other players, they did reiterate that there will be a version of this game mode where you fight alongside and against Specters instead that should give the same rewards.
  • Finally, they did address some areas of the game being overly dark to the point where you cannot see properly in them. This will be fixed in Warframe: 1999, but only on PC for a time as they deploy the fix to consoles.

And this wraps up the final breakdown for the Devshorts series from Digital Extremes this year. If you would like to watch the full Devshorts for any minute details, you can do so here. As well as find a full breakdown of their last Devstream here for more details on the upcoming update this month!

Joseph Repko

Associate Editor and writer for all things Warframe and Soulframe. Xbox/PSN: LivingIgnis Steam: A glittery moose Twitter: @FlameLOGNET