Mass Effect Cosplay

Mass Effect: Jack “Subject Zero” Cosplay by Nadya Sonika


E3 was as great as promised as we covered games and announcements that were made this year. One gaming franchise that I hold very close to my heart that didn’t make any news is Mass Effect. I didn’t expect any news coming from E3 since Mass Effect: Andromeda came out just 2017 but it was still missed. With all that said, one of my favorite characters looking back was the rough around the edges (and a bit insane) Jack or also known as “Subject Zero”. Check out this oldie but goodie cosplay made by the amazing Nadya Sonika.

You can see more of Nadya Sonika’s Mass Effect Jack cosplay on her website.

Cosplayer: Nadya Sonika
Photos: Ignacio Mendoza
Bodypaint & Prosthetics: Lymari Millot

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