Gaming on a discount

Gaming On A Discount During Quarantine


For the first time ever in my life, staying home and gaming is not only no longer frowned upon, it’s actually recommended by the World Health Organization. As most of the world locks down to flatten the curve of COVID-19. Gamers everywhere turn to what they know best. Unfortunately, over 3 million Americans are out of work. Buying games right now even for people still at work, can’t be a top priority. We wanted to put together a list of ways you might be able to go out and get some games and save some dough for more important things. For more resources for gaming on a discount, you can follow CAG on Twitter. You can also head over to the CAG forums


Large Chain Retail Sales

Target Sale

It may seem like common sense to check retail sales before buying anything but, we wanted to point you directly to the best places to check right now. Over at, they are having a Buy 2 Get 1 Free sale on all video games. You can get brand new games like MLB The Show, Resident Evil 3 and Doom Eternal while saving over $60. That will undoubtedly be enough to get you through the downtime. 

GameStop’s deal page.

Best Buy’s deal page.

Amazon’s deal page.


Digital Storefronts

Steam Demos

No matter what platform you game on, make sure to check the digital storefront for each platform. Every service has a welcome page, showing you what’s new and what’s on sale. Take the time to poke around. Not only are there sale pages, but there are also free games, demos, trials, and early access games. The Nintendo Switch eShop just announced a number of new demos for their upcoming 2020 tiles. PlayStation and Xbox have demos as well. Did you know you can play Final Fantasy 7 Remake right now? How about Resident Evil 3 Remake? Steam has an entire early access library where you can test games for small indie devs. Below we having linked storefronts to help you in any gaming on a discount voyage.

Nintendo eShop demo page

Nintendo eShop sale page.

PlayStation sale page.

PlayStation demo page.

Xbox sale page.

Steam Early Access page.


Subscription Services

Game Pass

Now might be a great time to dip your toes into the new Netflix like gaming subscription services. Microsoft has Game Pass for both Xbox and PC. There are over 200 games including brand new games. There is a free trial going on through the year. PlayStation has its PSNow subscription service as well. They sent users seven-day trials when the lockdown started. On both services, there are classic games as well as brand new games. Sony just added Control to their lineup which was one of our favorite games from 2019

On top of the new subscription services, both Sony and Microsoft give away access to two games every month. As long as you pay for Xbox Live or access to PlayStation Plus you are entitled to both games for as long as you have the service. If you have subscribed to both services, that adds up to over 140 games in their lifespan. Haven’t been getting the games ever month? Now is the perfect time to start. The Epic game store on PC does the same thing for free that requires no subscription at all. 


Play And Finish The Games You Already Have

Maybe spending money on anything is out of the question for you. Maybe you have already taken advantage of the free week subscription services offered. Now would be the best time to revisit the games you haven’t rolled credits on. Go back and fight Mike Tyson in Punchout! Give Bloodborne another try. Dig out that old Sega, Nintendo or Xbox and revisit the games you love. As well as the games you never finished.


Free To Play Games

If you are short on funds and want to try something new, don’t forget about all the free games out there. Did you know Destiny 2 is now free to play? How about Hitman? Above and beyond gaming on a discount, we have collected a list of free to play storefronts below. 

Steam free to play page.

PlayStation free to play page.

Xbox free to play page.

Nintendo Switch free to play page.

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