Mark Darrah And Casey Hudson Depart Bioware


It is no secret that things at Bioware have been a little tumultuous over the past few years. The release of Mass Effect: Andromeda led many fans to be disappointed in the long-running franchise after it was plagued with bugs and technical issues. That project was then followed up by Anthem which missed the mark, even though it looked incredibly promising early on. It has not been a good run for Bioware. However, things were looking to shape up with a new Mass Effect game announcement, alongside some teasers about Dragon Age 4. Things were going smoothly, or so many people thought.

Bioware Loses Two Longtime Leaders

Today, in an official blog post from Bioware we learned that two of the team’s most renowned members would be departing the studio. Bioware general manager Casey Hudson, as well as Dragon Age 4 executive producer Mark Darrah, are officially no longer part of the company. It was announced that Christian Dailey formerly of Blizzard will be taking over the lead role in Dragon Age 4. While Samantha Ryan formerly of Warner Bros Games will be filling in the role left by Casey Hudson.

While this will be a major shift in leadership roles, Bioware maintains that they are ready for this transition. While the loss of Hudson and Darrah will certainly be felt by the team. They are focused on delivering games that will please the many fans they have gained over the years. Only time will tell how this will all play out, but here’s wishing Hudson and Darrah the best with their future endeavors.

What do you think of these departures from Bioware? Let us know in the comments and don’t forget to check back for the latest gaming news and information.

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