Mass Effect All Romance Options

Mass Effect Legendary Edition All Romance Options

One of the central pillars in Mass Effect is forging relationships with characters. From Asari to Quarian to Turian’s, there exists a wide breadth of species Shepard can intermingle with and come to know. Investment into specific characters can also net players an even deeper bond in the form of romantic relationships. And it’s here where some players truly find something to latch onto. A little bit of flirting and the occasional intimate moment between Shepard and a character, sounds more than tantalizing, right?

But, just how many options do you truly have available?

With Mass Effect Legendary Edition just released, we have put together a list of each romance option by game. So, without further ado, let’s get into all romance options in Mass Effect Legendary Edition.

Mass Effect 1 Romance Options

Mass Effect Legendary Edition All Romance Options

While options in Mass Effect 1 are limited compared to the sequels, there still exist good choices here. Naturally, romances will carry throughout the trilogy, so choose wisely. Or wait until one of the sequels and commit to one of those characters instead.

As male Shepard, players can romance the following character:

  • Ashley Williams

As Female Shepard, players can romance the following character:

  • Kaidan Alenko

However, both Male and Female Shepard can romance the following character:

  • Liara T’Soni

Mass Effect 2 Romance Options

Mass Effect Legendary Edition All Romance Options

To say the options have drastically expanded between games is an understatement. Ashley and Kaidan make a brief appearance in Mass Effect 2, but the spotlight is shone for others this time around. Others who are vastly more interesting may I add.

As male Shepard, players can romance the following characters:

  • Tali’Zorah vas Neema
  • Miranda Lawson
  • Jack
  • Liara T’Soni, who you can commit to through the Liar of the Shadow Broker DLC.

As female Shepard, players can romance the following characters:

  • Garrus Vakarian
  • Jacob Taylor
  • Thane Krios
  • Liara T’Soni

On top of these, there are also a few short-lived flings available for both male and female Shepard. If you are feeling particularly unfaithful, then these are the picks for you.

  • Kelly Chambers
  • Samara
  • Morinth

Now, technically the above 3 do not fall under conventional romances. Each has its own twist to the standards you have come to know. Since they are only one-off encounters, which don’t go anywhere, they won’t affect any current relationships.

Mass Effect 3 Romance Options

Mass Effect Legendary Edition All Romance Options

Choices from the Suicide Mission and Mass Effect 1 will carry through here. On top of returning squad members from Mass Effect 2, Mass Effect 3 also sees the return of Ashley and Kaidan. As well as a few new options added to round out the mix in Mass Effect 3. 

As male Shepard, players can romance the following characters:

  • Steve Cortez
  • Miranda Lawson (carried over from Mass Effect 2)
  • Jack (carried over from Mass Effect 2)
  • Tali’Zorah vas Normandy (carried over from Mass Effect 2)
  • Ashley Williams

As female Shepard, players can romance the following characters:

  • Garrus Vakarian
  • Thane Krios
  • Samantha Traynor

Both male and female Shepard can romance the following:

  • Kaidan Alenko
  • Liara T’Soni
  • Diana Allers
  • Kelly Chambers (carried over from Mass Effect 2)

Lastly, these fall in line with Kelly Chambers as one-off things where these won’t hurt any current relationships. If you have access to the Citadel DLC, players have one-time encounters with the following:

  • Samara
  • Javik
  • James Vega

Hopefully, this gave you a sense of your options and who you may want to go with for future titles. Just remember to try and avoid breaking too many hearts.

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