
Persona 6 Announcement Possibly Teased Through The Series 25th Anniversary Website

Persona 25th Anniversary

Excitement for the Persona franchise has never been higher than now. Thanks to recent releases like Persona 5’s critical and commercial success, the franchise has cemented its place within the wider gaming audience. With Persona 5 Royal, Dancing in Starlight, Strikers, and Persona 4 Golden’s Steam release, Persona is no longer the niche JRPG it once was.

As it so happens, 2021 marks Persona’s 25th anniversary. Coincidentally, Atlus has planned a year’s worth of announcements to coincide with this milestone. From collaborations, events, new merchandise, and games, 2021 is shaping up nicely for fans. This is all in an effort to give thanks to the fans who have supported the Persona games for years.

Amongst the announcements, the special website teases seven different “Persona 25th Anniversary Projects.” All of which, set to announce this September.  For now, the website does offer a few interesting clues ripe for theories. So, until September rolls around, why not dig into these?

Persona 25th Anniversary Key Art

This wonderful collage of each Persona protagonist’s past and current is at the forefront of the celebration. Yet, there may lie one clue we can glean from the image. Now, Persona fans will know the usage of solid colors is a series staple. Persona 3’s blue roughly symbolized death while Persona 5’s red and black symbolized the urge to rebel hidden within us all. They also help to unify the games underneath a single aesthetic typically associated with said colors. For years, fans have theorized Persona 6’s main color would be green.

However, if you look in the center logo, you can see each of the main games represented by their colors. Persona equals purple, Persona 2 equals orange and Persona 3 equals blue, etc, etc. The last color in the 25th being white has caused some to believe Persona 6′s main color is going to be white. Of course, this could mean nothing. But the way the logo is set up to represent each title does lead to a fairly reasonable conclusion.

Persona Poster Acrylic Stands

Persona 6

However, this one presents the most evidence. We have every mainline Persona game listed amongst the available acrylic stands to purchase. With the exception of 2 slots. Now, if this lineup included Persona Arena or Persona Q or any of the dancing games, I would’ve chalked this up as nothing. But, since this includes the box arts of the main games exclusively, it’s entirely plausible to suspect one of these is actually Persona 6. As for the second secret slot? It makes no sense to announce Persona 6 alongside a Royal, FES, or Golden version so who knows what the second slot could be?

Trading Photo Cards

Persona 6

Similarly, we have each Persona protagonist lined up with one glaring omission. Clearly, the protagonist for Persona 6, right?

Nevertheless, we will have to wait to see what happens. Since 2019, we have been teased about Persona’s 25th anniversary and how Atlus wants it to be special. What better way to do that than to announce the next big entry into this beloved franchise?

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