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10 Essential Phoenix Point Tips


Phoenix Point is a deep squad turned-based strategy game in the vein of the beloved X-COM series and more recently, Gears Tactics. In fact, the game recently hit Xbox Game Pass. So if you’re a subscriber be sure to make use of your subscription and check it out. However, the game is brutal and will not hold your hand. Fortunately, our very own Lord Addict has some key Phoenix Point tips and tricks that will help you out immensely.

Starting Foundation for Phoenix Point Tips

phoenix point tips foundation

One of the most basic, yet most important Phoenix Point tips is getting a solid foundation going. By solid foundation, we mean always being on the lookout for equipment, and improving it with research. One way of getting better equipment is by killing faction soldiers or stealing it off from them. With that said…

Research Stolen Equipment First

Phoenix Point Tips Equipment

Another solid Lord Addict Phoenix Point tip is immediately researching stolen equipment. Now, in order to steal, you just have to open your inventory near a faction soldier. This will allow you to move their equipment in your character’s inventory.

However, even though you’ll be tempted to equip your shiny new gear, don’t! Instead, research the weapon before anything else so you can craft more ammo for that weapon. That way, you can craft ammo for your new weapon instead of just relying on what’s left inside the magazine.

Keep in mind that you will naturally find the same equipment while recruiting at the different factions you’ll encounter throughout the world. Also, you can also loot corpses for equipment throughout the game. Though we recommend when you do missions at faction bases, it’s best to go on the hunt for equipment yourself to make the game easier for you.

Be on Look Out for Extra Missions

Phoenix Point TIps World Map

It’s also good to look for any type of extra mission. More specifically, consider doing extra supply missions, vehicles missions, and soldier rescue missions. These extra missions will reward you with more free resources. This is important, especially during the beginning of the game and you’ll want to do them as quickly as possible. Be sure to stock up resources in vehicles and fill them as much as they can hold.

Make Use of Free Aim Mode

Phoenix Point Tips Free Aim

One of the most underrated Phoenix Point tips is making use of the free aim mode. First, it helps you double-check gun features and how they work. Make a habit of always going into free aim mode and refrain from doing an automatic fire. When you enter free aim mode, always make sure your target is in both reticles. This guarantees a 100% hit. While lining up your target in the smaller middle reticle is only a 50% shot.

Map Awareness and Getting More Ships

Phoenix Point TIps World Map

One of the most basic, yet crucial, Phoenix Point tips is undoubtedly being aware of the map. Being aware of the world is extremely advantageous. It’s important to do as much exploration as possible in order to get resources to recruit soldiers.

Expand as you play Phoenix Point to get more resources. You should even consider building or even stealing a secondary ship while your primary ship does main missions. Your secondary ship should focus on collecting resources. Here’s a bonus tip, if you visit a haven, there will be a stealable ship over that haven that you discovered. Be sure to try and steal one if you’re low on ships.

Get the Tiamat  Ship from the Disciples of Amu

This Phoenix Point tip looks more specifically at the different ships available in the game. However, not all ships are created equal. The Tiamat ship that is used by the Disciples of Anu is a real workhorse. First off, it can carry up to 8 soldiers and can pretty much go anywhere on the world map. Bonus tip,  if you ally with the Disciples of Anu, you can research Advanced Tiamat Technology, which adds an additional 25% to the Tiamat’s travel range.

Phoenix Point Tips on Training Soldiers

Phoenix Point Tips Speed

Some of the Phoenix Point tips we provided are quite specific, but now we will get into what to prioritize when it comes to training your troops. The first attribute to prioritize is speed. This will increase your troops’ movement range in a single turn, which is very useful. For instance, snipers you can move a couple more tiles before you’re able to shoot.

Once the speed attribute is maxed out, you can then focus on training up willpower and upgrading abilities. Also, be sure to pay attention to how new class abilities link up with other classes’ key powers. For example, the sniper’s quick aim ability is great to use with any class. The ability reduces the Action Point cost of the next shot. So, if you equip quick aim on a heavy troop, it will allow you to shoot a heavy cannon twice as long as the heavy doesn’t move. Additionally, the sniper’s quick aim power works nicely with the assault class too. By using quick aim with an assault class, you can shoot 4 times as long as the soldier has enough willpower to keep shooting.

Keep in mind every faction has unique classes. You can recruit those classes as long as you have a good standing with them and you have the resources to get them.

Build Med Bays, Living Quarters, Training Facilities, and Keep Soldiers in Rotation

Phoenix Point Tips Ship

When it comes to base maintenance, the biggest advantage you can have is to build key facilities quickly. For example, always look to build additional Med Bays and Living Quarters. This ensures you have more soldiers available for missions, while others are healing in Med Bays. Obviously, the more Med Bays you have the faster they will heal.

Also, keep in mind it’s important to note that soldiers have to be in the Med Bay in order to heal, even if they’re assigned to a ship. You can always have another ship filled with soldiers and consistently swap them out with the ones in your base to heal them.

For a lot of the game, you will be recruiting soldiers. So, make sure to build a couple of Training Facilities. This ensures that training rates stack up. That way, when you need more troops, they are already leveled up a decent amount.

Always Keep Soldiers Posted at Your Bases

Phoenix Point tips troops at bases

It’s important to keep a good amount of troops at your main bases. The enemy will occasionally attack and damage your bases. It takes a massive amount of income to fix them after an attack. So keep soldiers posted at your bases in order to deter enemy attacks.

Bonus tip, make sure to keep at least one vehicle and a few troops at important bases. This ensures that they can fight back when enemies attack. This will help mitigate damage and is a good habit to keep up in Phoenix Point.

Build New Bases to Expand Satellite Coverage

Make sure to expand and create new bases when you start stacking up resources. You need to have satellite coverage before you can determine the location of enemy bases. This way always make sure to build new bases to expand your satellite coverage.

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