Wayfinder: How to Survive the Argent Hand

The Argent Hand in Wayfinder is probably one of the biggest skill checks in the game. As it has multiple phases where things just keep getting worse for you and your group. But knowing is half the battle, so if you keep getting defeated, here is a strategy on how to survive the hunt.

Wayfinder Argent Hand Strategy

Similar to Commander Creed, this boss will hit like a truck and use large area of effect abilities. For starters, you will have to take out five enemies. Afterward those foes will spawn around the pedestal in the middle. Kill them if you can, as this will decrease the health of the Argent Hand when he spawns. When he spawns in, keep track of his movements as he will cast an ability that will create a spike of light from the ground. If you see him doing hand gestures, dodge the moment he stops to avoid taking damage. He will also create a wave of energy from his hand that covers a large field. Double jump to avoid taking damage from this. He will also spawn many small orbs that will cover parts of the arena, stay out of these. Even if an ally is down.

Wayfinder Argent Hand

Finally, he will spawn a foe that will create a giant bubble over the field if you do not kill him. This bubble will burst and damage everyone, but if you block with stamina to spare you can avoid taking damage from this.

A quick breakdown of what to do overall for this fight in Wayfinder:

  • Kill the enemies before he spawns to ensure he does not have full health. Focus on one at a time!
  • Dodge the moment he stops casting his spike of light ability.
  • Stay out of the red areas always.
  • Finally, kill the additional enemies he spawns or block with stamina to avoid death by the bubbles.

Simply rinse and repeat the avoidance to survive the fight and take the Argent Hand down. But this is how you take this boss down; I hope this guide helps you in Wayfinder!

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