Suikoden 4 battle

My Top 5 Favorite Suikoden Characters


One of the many beloved JRPG series to exist is Suikoden. If you know me, you know that the series is my all-time favorite. With the recent passing of the series creator legendary Yoshitaka Muarayama, I wanted to do some pieces related to him and the series. For this piece, we will talk about my favorite top 5 Suikoden characters. So let’s get right into it! **Contains Spoilers**

5. Kage

Number 5 on my list of favorite Suikoden characters is none other than the Ninja Kage. Kage has a lot of mystery about him which is why he is appealing to me. Kage’s design is distinct and memorable. He is a ninja character, dressed in traditional ninja attire with a mysterious mask covering his face, which adds an air of mystique to his character. Kage is a formidable fighter with strong combat abilities. Also in Suikoden 1, there is a Ninja unit in the “War Battles” that he’s a part of where they tell you the enemy’s strategy. War Battles in that game were Rock/Paper/Scissor-based so this was very useful. He plays a significant role in the overall story of Suikoden 2. As a ninja, he is often involved in espionage and stealth missions, contributing to the larger narrative in various ways.

Like in Suikoden 2 where he would deliver messages to Jowy from Luca Blight. (while planning Lady Annabelle’s assassination) He also appears to deliver blueprints for Odessa in the first game. Despite his silent and enigmatic nature, Kage’s personality shines through in subtle ways. Players can interpret his character in different ways, adding to the intrigue surrounding him. When I found him in the first game I was shocked to see 20,000 bits to recruit. As a kid, I always spent the money in games and never had enough at the right time. So I would have to go fight on the world map a little to get the 20k. But Kage has always had my interest since I was a kid.

4. Mazus

Mazus is sitting at the 4 spot instead of number 3 for a few reasons. The number 3 spot character is who Mazus studies magic under. Since I first played the series I’ve had more time with the number 3 spot character. I will say Mazus inches closer as the years go by. Mazus’s design is distinctive and memorable. As a powerful magician, he is depicted wearing dark robes and wielding a staff, emphasizing his mystical and enigmatic nature. His appearance stands out among the diverse cast of characters in the Suikoden series. In gameplay, he specializes in offensive magic spells that can deal heavy damage to enemies in battle. His magical prowess makes him a valuable asset in the player’s party.

One of my main magic users after I recruit him in the second game. He already comes equipped with my favorite rune which is the Blue/Pale Gate Rune. Mazus also can potentially join the party at level 99 due to a glitch. I’ve personally never had it happen. Even though you can configure your war units in Suikoden 2, Mazus is powerful no matter where you use it. He will forever cement his spot as a top 4 character in the series for me.

3. Crowley

Number 3 on the top 5 favorite Suikoden list is Crowley. Crowley is also mysterious and slightly difficult to find just like Mazus. It is rumored that he has 100 runes embedded in his body. Just like with Mazus, he possesses formidable magical abilities that can deal significant damage to enemies in battle, making him a valuable asset in the player’s party. He can also use non-offensive runes as well. I remember the first time I accidentally stumbled across the “secret passage.” I wasn’t able to recruit him at that point, because I didn’t know how the first time I played. You best believe though when I found out how, I went and recruited him.

I also made sure to equip him with the Blue Gate Rune. From the time he joins, I tend to use him in my active party for the rest of the game. In the war battles, he is a part of the most powerful magic unit. Crowley’s uniqueness, design, and among other things is why he holds down the number 3 spot. He looks like an old angry powerful wizard.

2. Luc

Next up on my top 5 favorite Suikoden character list is Luc. Luc is a character that is in all 3 games the Murayama worked on. When I first met Luc as a kid, he was a little snarky and slightly mischievous. This helped me relate to him when I was a kid playing the games. A pupil of Leknaat that she essentially loans him to the hero’s cause up until the third game. That’s because in Suikoden 3 he becomes the main antagonist which shocked me when it was revealed to be Luc. He is a person that has held the number 1 spot in the past. He is overall one of the most well-developed characters and is beloved by many.

Despite his initial ambiguity, Luc undergoes significant character development throughout the series. We witness his evolution, as he grapples with his past, confronts his inner demons, and ultimately makes pivotal choices that shape the narrative. This development adds depth to his character and makes him relatable to players. Luc is a character with depth and complexity. His motivations and actions are not always straightforward, which adds intrigue to his character.

Throughout the series, players gradually uncover more about his past, his connections to key events, and his true intentions, leading to a multifaceted portrayal. Luc also plays a crucial role in the overarching story of the Suikoden series. He is often tied to major plot points and pivotal moments. Whether as an ally, antagonist, or anti-hero, his actions have far-reaching consequences, driving the narrative forward and influencing the fates of other characters. He is a force to be reckoned with in your active party and the war battles of both 1 & 2. To this day, Luc is also my mom’s favorite character.

1. Shu

Holding down my number 1 spot on my top 5 favorite Suikoden character list is the strategist Shu. Not only is he my favorite character in the series, but he is my favorite character in any video game period. Shu is often portrayed as a brilliant tactician and strategist. Shu was a student of Mathiu Silverberg from the first game. He possesses a keen intellect and strategic insight that make him invaluable in times of war and conflict. He is instrumental in planning military campaigns, devising tactics, and outmaneuvering adversaries, contributing significantly to the success of Riou’s cause. Shu is also adept at navigating the complex political landscape within the Suikoden world. He understands the intricacies of diplomacy, negotiation, and alliance-building. He uses his political acumen to forge alliances, mediate conflicts, and advance the goals of the player’s army.

Shu often serves as a mentor figure to the protagonist and other key characters in the series. His wisdom, experience, and guidance help shape the decisions and actions of the player’s army, providing valuable insight and advice in times of uncertainty. Some people when they first meet Shu in the story might find him a bit rude or harsh. Shu just in the beginning doesn’t want to be involved with war and death. His character played a pivotal role in the success of the second game. He has to make some hard decisions like the situation with Kiba. He also at one point has Apple pick a card out of 3 that determines something in the game. To this day no character in any game has topped Shu for me!


My top 5 favorite Suikoden character list wasn’t easy to make actually. There are so many cool, interesting, and powerful characters is always hard to decide these things. The number 5 spot is interchangeable with other great characters. Hellion was great and the first time I saw True Earth Rune. Juppo is a trickster and I just really like his character design. Jeanne was my game crush as a kid and always remained mysterious to us for the most part. Then we have another strategist Lucretia Merces and a powerful ally from Suikoden 3 Joker. One big thing that draws me into the series is how unique and important each character feels. Yoshitaka Murayama created an amazing world in which each of them can thrive. Stay tuned as I’ll be bringing more Suikoden-related pieces. Rest In Peace Yoshitaka Murayama!

1969 – Feb 6th 2024
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