
Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.5 Changes Loot Drop System as Set 10 Ends

Blue Loot Orbs in TFT

Patch 14.5, the final patch of set 10 of Teamfight Tactics, is now live. Patch 14.5 is bigger and more impactful than patch 14.4. Mortdog says in his patch rundown that this patch is more fun than competitive. Set 11 is dropping on the Public Beta Environment, so the focus shifts there. Thus, most of the changes in this patch are not overly serious competitively speaking. There is one change, however, that will be impactful even moving forward.

TFT Patch 14.5 introduces a major change to the loot drop system. This change should make power gained from monster rounds more equal across the lobby. Also, there is one fun change in particular that should be noted. The Crab Rave portal will now play some fitting music on monster rounds. These are two of the most significant changes to discuss on this patch.

Loot System

Blue Loot Orbs in Teamfight TacticsAn important aspect of TFT patch 14.5 moving forward concerns the loot drop system. The same number and rarity of orbs will now drop for every player. One player might get two grey orbs and one blue orb. Now, every player will get those same orbs that round. Each rarity of orb has its own pool of possible loot. The contents of each orb will still be random from the respective pools. This ensures that there is still variety across the lobby. It should not, however, lead to massive power discrepancies between players during a game. In addition, this change will remain moving forward into set 11. Thus, it is important to learn it in the dying days of set 10.

Crab Rave

One fun change in Teamfight Tactics patch 14.5 involves the Crab Rave portal. The Crab Rave portal replaces all of the monster rounds with Scuttle Crab monsters. New to this patch, “Crab Rave” by Noisestorm will play during these rounds. This change has no gameplay impact but is something fun to enjoy. Set 10 might be ending, but players can send it out with a bang. Or, in this case, a rave.

Patch Summary

These are two of the biggest changes in TFT patch 14.5. This patch also has many buffs, as well as one nerf to a champion. The full patch notes can be found here, and are summarized below:



  • Big Shot’s base attack damage (AD) increased from 10/18/30% to 10/20/40%.
  • Edgelord’s attack speed (AS) increased from 30/45/70% to 30/55/85%.
  • EDM base damage increased from 90/100/110/130% to 90/110/120/135%.
  • EDM Zac’s base frequency decreased from 9 to 8 seconds.
  • KDA’s bonus stats increased from 9/15/24/40% to 9/15/27/45%.
  • Mosher now has a prismatic 8-piece level.
    • 125% AS and 30% omnivamp.


  • Corki’s base AD increased from 48 to 50.
  • Corki’s base AS increased from 0.7 to 0.75.
  • Evelynn’s base hit points (HP) increased from 550 to 650.
  • Evelynn’s spell’s mana cost decreased from 90 to 75.
  • K’Sante’s spell’s AD% increased from 800% to 999%.
  • Tahm Kench’s spell’s passive damage reduction increased from 12/15/25 to 12/18/33.
  • Aphelios’s spell’s mana cost decreased from 135 to 110.
  • Garen’s spell’s mana cost decreased from 90 to 80.
  • Garen’s spell’s AD% increased from 160% to 180%.
  • Gnar’s AS increased from 0.65 to 0.75.
  • Gragas’ spell’s damage increased from 190/285/440 to 240/360/555.
  • Gragas’ spell’s healing increased from 500/575/650 to 500/625/750.
  • Neeko’s shield percent of copied ally increased from 6% to 8%.
  • Neeko’s spell’s damage shield percentage increased from 70/90/115% to 90/110/140%.
  • Samira’s base AS increased from 0.7 to 0.75.
  • Samira’s base spell AD% increased from 240/240/250% to 300/300/310%.
  • Blitzcrank’s base AD increased from 60 to 90.
  • Blitzcrank’s spell’s mana cost decreased from 120 to 110.
    • Starting mana decreased from 60 to 50 to compensate.
  • Jhin’s starting mana increased from 0 to 30.
  • Jhin’s Grand Finale’s Rifles’ base AD% increased from 60/60/444% to 66/66/444%.
  • Kayn’s spell’s mana cost decreased from 50 to 40.
  • Additionally, Kayn’s Rhaast (losing form)’s HP restore on killing 2 champions increased from 1 to 2.
  • Kayn’s Shadow (winning form)’s gold on killing 2 champions increased from 3 to 5.


  • Headliner Neeko’s bonus mana to cosplayed ally increased from 40 to 60.


  • There are no buffs to items in this patch.


  • There are no buffs to augments in this patch.



  • There are no nerfs to traits in this patch.


  • Ezreal’s spell’s mana cost increased from 40 to 45.


  • There are no nerfs to headliners in this patch.


  • There are no nerfs to items in this patch.


  • There are no nerfs to augments in this patch.

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