Teamfight Tactics patch 14.11 Introduces New Rotating Shop


Patch 14.11 of Teamfight Tactics is now live. According to Mortdog in his patch rundown, the balance team opted for a small patch. Thus, like patch 14.10, this patch is not intended to change the meta much. Patch 14.11 of Teamfight Tactics also introduces the Rotating Shop to the client. The Rotating Shop has two main sections: Mythic and Seasonal. Each section offers different content, and each uses a different, new, currency. The Mythic section offers a small selection of some of the rarest Tacticians, Booms, and Arenas. The Seasonal section offers a large selection of both new and classic cosmetic content. Between these two sections, players now have more agency than ever in getting the Teamfight Tactics cosmetics that they want. The Rotating Shop will thus be the main focus, but those interested solely in the patch notes can find them at the end.

Mythic Section and Mythic Medallions

Image captured in the League of Legends client.

The Mythic section of the Rotating Shop offers a small selection of rare TFT cosmetics. Players can use a new currency, Mythic Medallions, to obtain Booms, Arenas, and Tacticians. While the selection is small, most cosmetics offered will remain for multiple patches. Mythic Medallions can be obtained as drops from Treasure Realms. They will drop at least once every 50 Treasure Realm pulls, and milestone rewards can give additional Mythic Medallions. The newest Mythic content will always be in the Mythic section of the Rotating Shop. Mythic Medallions never expire, so players who are not interested in that content can wait for the content they want before exchanging them. Thus, Mythic Medallions are a great way for players to get the Mythic content they want.

A new currency, Mythic Medallions. Image provided by Riot Games.

Seasonal Section and Realm Crystals

Image captured in the League of Legends client.

The Seasonal section of the Rotating Shop offers a much larger selection than the Mythic section. The offerings can include brand new content as well as older content. While the content in the Mythic section often lasts multiple patches, Seasonal content rotates out each patch. The Seasonal Section uses another new currency, Realm Crystals. Like Mythic Medallions, Realm Crystals can be obtained from the Treasure Realm milestone rewards. Also, any rolled duplicates instead award the player Realm Crystals. In addition, players can obtain Realm Crystals from events, as well as both the free and paid versions of the TFT Battle Pass. With multiple ways to earn Realm Crystals, and a consistently rotating selection, players have more ability than ever to get the content they want.

A new currency, Realm Crystals. Image provided by Riot Games.

Treasure Realms

Image captured in the League of Legends client.

Treasure Realms still exist moving forward, with several important changes to note. As mentioned above, both Realm Crystals and Mythic Medallions can be obtained through the Treasure Realms. It is now also impossible to get duplicate copies of Little Legends. Players will receive Realm Crystals when they would have obtained a duplicate item. In addition, the cost of a Treasure Realm pull is now 50 Treasure Tokens. While the price is now half what it used to be, the drop rate for Mythic content falls from 1% to 0.3%.

However, Mythic Medallions now function as the pity system. The old pity system would reset whenever the player hit a Mythic item. Now, while a drop is never guaranteed, players will eventually get enough Mythic Medallions to exchange for the Mythic item if they so desire. More importantly, however, if the player hits the Mythic item naturally, they will keep all obtained Mythic Medallions to put towards another Mythic item in the future. The milestone tracker on Treasure Realms also carries over across bounties, so that progress is never lost, either. Overall, these changes should help the overall system feel more rewarding and increase player agency in what content they are able to obtain.


The Rotating Shop added with patch 14.11 of Teamfight Tactics drastically changes the way players obtain cosmetic content. There are two new currencies, for two new store sections. Treasure Realms have been reworked to take these changes into account. The result is the most choice players have had over what TFT cosmetic content they obtain. The original Rotating Shop announcement can be found here. The patch itself is small with regards to game changes. However, there are still changes to note. The full patch notes can be found here.