
Teamfight Tactics Patch 14.18 Adds Frying Pan, Reworks Champion Abilities

A text box showing a golden frying pan and some item components it can be combined with to make emblems.

Patch 14.18 of Teamfight Tactics shipped on September 11th, 2024. Patch 14.18 is an incredibly large patch, easily the largest of set 12, Teamfight Tactics: Magic n’ Mayhem. In fact, the patch was so large, a mid-patch update shipped the same day. As such, there are many important changes to note. The most important change is the addition of a new item component, the Frying Pan. The Frying Pan functions similarly to the Spatula, which now allows all Emblems to be crafted. In addition, several champions have reworked abilities. Finally, new Charms have been added to help with late-game fights. These are among the most important changes brought by patch 14.18 of Teamfight Tactics.

Frying Pan

A text box showing a golden frying pan and some item components it can be combined with to make emblems.
Patch 14.18 adds a new item component, the Frying Pan. Image captured in game.

The most important change brought by patch 14.18 of Teamfight Tactics is the addition of the Frying Pan. The Frying Pan works similarly to the Spatula. Item components can be combined with the Frying Pan to make Emblems. As a result, all Emblems can be crafted. There are no longer Emblems that cannot be crafted.

Whenever a Spatula would have dropped in the past, there is now a fifty percent chance of a Frying Pan dropping instead. This leads to changes with how reforging Emblems work. Since there are no longer Emblems that cannot be crafted, using a Reforger on an emblem can result in any Emblem. Additionally, using a Reforger on a Frying Pan results in a Spatula, and vice versa.

Two Frying Pans can be combined to form a new item, the Tactician’s Shield. A Frying Pan can also be combined with a Spatula to form another new item, the Tactician’s Cape. Both items function the same as the Tactician’s Crown, formed by combining two Spatulas. The items increase the player’s maximum team size by one champion.

Each of these items now comes with a unique bonus. The Tactician’s Crown gives a 1% chance for 1 gold when players win combat. The Tactician’s Shield gives a 1% chance for 1 gold when the holder dies. The Tactician’s Cape gives 1% chance for one gold after ten seconds of combat.

Finally, using a Reforger on one of the Tactian’s items results in one of the other two Tactian’s items. According to Mortdog during his patch rundown, something special happens if a player is able to get one of each of these items. It will be very hard to do, but the payoff might be worth chasing.

Champion Ability Reworks

Cassiopeia, a snake woman in a witch's outfit, and Ashe, a female archer holding a bow and arrow.
Ashe and Cassiopeia are among the champions with reworked abilities in patch 14.18. Image captured in-game.

Another change worth noting is that several champions have reworked abilities. More than 10 champions have had their abilities reworked in some form. The degree of the rework varies. For example, several champions have minor reworks to their ability. Meanwhile, there are some champions who have had their abilities reworked to make Guinsoo’s Rageblade not the only item worth using.

One such example is Ashe. With her old ability, players needed her to keep casting inside of a small window to take full advantage of her ability. This made Guinsoo’s Rageblade the only way to achieve it reliably. Her new ability gives her an additional arrow for the rest of combat, and the effect stacks. Guinsoo’s Rageblade will still be one of her best items. However, since she no longer has to keep casting inside of a window, other items are now viable on her.

Another such champion is Cassiopeia. On prior patches, players really needed two Guinsoo’s Rageblades to maximize her spell and keep casting in a small window. Now, her ability empowers her next three attacks to deal bonus magic damage. In addition, her spell only costs 30 mana to cast, down from 50. Guinsoo’s Rageblade will still likely be the best build on her, but now she should have other options.

Smolder also receives a similar rework, with his ability granting a bonus for the next four attacks instead of a fixed duration. This means that Guinsoo’s Rageblade will still be a great item on him, but it should not be the only item worth building. His dragon upgrade applies his attack speed buff for six attacks instead, and they deal 30% increased damage. In the mid-patch update, Smolder’s spell cost is halved from 80 to 40. His starting mana drops from 30 to 0 as a result.

There are other champions receiving reworks as well. Gwen, Wukong, Hecarim, Ezreal, Shyvana, Ahri, Twitch, Jinx, and Nomsy have all received various changes to their abilities.

Late Game Combat Charms

A final change worth noting in patch 14.18 of Teamfight Tactics is the addition of new combat Charms. According to Mortdog, there are not enough good combat Charms late game. Patch 14.18 solves this issue by adding ten new Charms. Some of these Charms help players by giving them combat stats, such as Barrier. Barrier gives a player’s entire team a shield of 1000, which decays over five seconds.

Other Charms, such as Tremors, help players by providing crowd control. Tremors stuns all enemies for 1.25 seconds on combat start and every eight seconds. Charms such as Guild of Thieves help players by giving them temporary or permanent items. Guild of Thieves gives players three Thieves Gloves for a single round. Players can use these new Charms to turn the tide in their favor during late-game fights.


Patch 14.18 is an incredibly large patch. As a result, there are many more changes than can be covered in detail here. For example, it is now possible to make 4-star one-cost champions by collecting three 3-star copies of that champion. Also, some of the best-performing hero augments have been nerfed. There are also many buffs and nerfs to champions, traits, augments, and items. Players interested in the full patch notes, including the mid-patch updates can find them here.

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