Division 2: State of the Game

Division 2 State of the Game – Episode 3 or Title Update 7 Coming Very soon?


This week for the Division 2: State of the Game, Hamish Bode (Lead Content Creator), with guest Drew Rechner (Associated Game Director) and Yannick Banchereau (Associated Created Director) talked to us about the future of The Division 2 Episode 3.

Title Update 6.1 Priority Alert

  • Maintenance occurred yesterday
    • Introduced Legacy Caches which is a paid so you can get those items.
    • Change incoming to new standard caches when you get a duplicate instead of getting xp you get textiles which can allow you to buy other pieces of apparel over time.
  • Fixing Raid Leadership Boards.
  • Working on fix for Activity Summary, Removing it for now.
  • Shotguns in the Dark Zone are causing issues that will be repaired in TU7
  • No date to Episode 3 – February some time.
  • No PTS for this Episode mostly story content.
  • Raid is not coming in Episode 3 but will be coming after that.
  • Episode 3
    • New Specialization
    • New missions
    • New Exoitc is added. From the video, it looks like an SMG
  • Hardcore Statistics
    • First week December 10th to December 16th
      • 17.7% of hardcore characters have died.
      • 1.2% Reached World Tier 5
      • 6 completions of Dark Hours raid.
  • Up and coming information for the next few weeks



Title Update 6 is live and Episode 2 Early Access is now available for all Year 1 Pass owners!
Year 1 Pass provides 7-day early access to narrative content:

  • “The Pentagon Breach” Introduction Mission
  • “The Pentagon” Main Mission
  • “DARPA Research Labs” Main Mission

If you don’t own the Season Pass, you will be able to unlock the new missions on December 22nd, for free.

Title Update 6, also introduces a new specialization, the Technician, which will be instantly unlocked for all Year 1 Pass holders. Players who don’t own the Year 1 Pass will be able to unlock the new Specialization by completing a series of objectives through the Field Research.

Source: Ubisoft


[See More: Division 2: State of the Game – TU 6 /Episode 2 update]

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