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How to Find Grubs in Grounded


Grub Hunting!

Need to know how to dig up some grubs? Look no further! Grounded is a new survival game by Obsidian, the creator’s games such as The Outer Worlds, Fallout: New Vegas, Pillers of Eternity, and upcoming title Avowed. Grounded has a unique setting that no survival game has ever done before. They’ve created a “Honey I Shrunk The Kids!” survival game! As with most survival games though, it can be a rough out there in the wilderness. Fighting off spiders, eating mushrooms, running for your life from spiders, and digging up grubs. To name only a slight few of the things you will do and encounter.

During your time in Grounded, you may end up wondering where to find certain items. Surprisingly in Grounded, it can actually be kinda difficult to figure out where to obtain the materials needed for crafting. One of them being a grub. Yes, that slimy creepy crawlies that look like maggots.

How to Grounded grub map

There are not very many places to find them in Grounded. Thankfully, there is one single place to find a whole bunch. As well as obtaining the crafting material needed to dig up the grubs. The areas circled in red on the map are your best areas to find grubs. With the best being the oak tree itself.

If you already know how to make an acorn shovel, ignore this next bit! If you don’t, well here is a quick rundown.

When you head over towards the oak tree, you will run into acorns that will have fallen onto the ground. You will need a pebblet hammer to crack them open with two hits. This will provide the necessary materials needed to create the acorn shovel. Now that is taken care of, it’s time to find those grubs.

Grub trail

The main thing you want to look for when hunting for grubs are moving trails of dirt on the ground. They just look like clumps of dirty popping up one after the other in a line. Something is definitely underneath the dirt. Grab your acorn shovel, and dig. Out should pop a grub!


Now, here is something important to do. Bring out a weapon and quickly slay that nasty looking thing. If you don’t they will quickly dig themselves back into the ground. If that happens just pull out the shovel and repeat. Once you’ve got that pat-down, you are now an expert grub hunter! Not too shabby eh? That’s all there really is to it. If you are looking for some more helpful guides on Grounded we have you covered.

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