PAX 2021: Geek Therapeutics Interview
Geek Therapeutics is bridging the gap between geekdom and therapy in a way that helps professionals better connect with their patients. Additionally, it also aids in introducing mental health assistance and treatment to a community that tends to struggle with such things. We were able to have a sit-down interview with Dr. Anthony Bean of Geek Therapeutics and discuss how to use mediums like video games to help better one’s mental health. You can also check out Geek Therapeutics’ Dungeon Master Program along with their Streamer Mental Health Kit. Tools that will aid those who need it in better managing their mental health.
On what draws people who struggle with their mental health to geekdom:
Because of mental health reasons fanfiction, we like to rewrite a story, really great for trauma work. RPGs is really great for self exploration, gender identity, and in video games are another wonderful conduit for being able to kind of like play around with a different sense of self and who we are and understand who we are based upon what we play.
On how expressing violence through video games can be therapeutic:
I think that’s a important aspect too that you’re picking up on is the the idea is just because there’s violence in the game doesn’t mean that the person is going to be violent. That’s just a stereotype that is unfortunately still continuing to be out there where it doesn’t have any research up behind it.