In 8-Bit Adventures 2, after completing the main story of the game, you will unlock the ability to enter the games Developer Room. In this Developer Room, you can learn about the progress that so many story beats and characters underwent before making it into the final game. As well as learning about unused content, or older versions of musical tracks. But in this game specifically, it uses the Developer Room to unlock two portions of endgame content you can dive into. So, here is how to enter the room and access that content!

How to Get into the Developer Room
Getting into the Developer Room is required for achievements and trophies, so this should be on your to-do list. For starters, go back to the teleporter that opens up near the factory and once you get sent back to the other planet, find the cavern that you see right here.

Once inside, go all the way to the end and agree to be teleported again. This will send you to the Developer Room and unlocking the achievement or trophy for you.
From there go to the traveler above you like so, and he will offer you multiple maps to explore. I recommend going to the Secret Map first.

The Secret Map will send you to a holiday themed room with presents you can interact with to acquire treasure and send you on a hunt to find Glitched monsters. The other map I recommend going to, is the Pheopolis Castle.

Once here, take the right and look for an opened door. Once you are inside, ensure you save before interacting with a certain ghost. This ghost will be the April Fool’s day boss, and it is very tough to tackle.
But this is how you get into the Developer Room, and the secrets you can uncover within, I hope this guide helps you!