Gears 5 Previews | Astral Chain Review Bombing | Telltale Revival? | Sony buying Remedy? | ft Mooch

Welcome to another new episode of The Iron Lords Podcast. On today’s show the Lords are joined by @Mooch1978 and @ecjaxson, to discuss Gears 5 previews; Astral Chain review bombing; the possible revival of Telltale Games and the possibility of Sony buying Remedy Entertainment. ILP 123 is in the books!


00:40-@LordCognito starts off the week’s “Lordly Introductions” with this week’s guest, Lord Mooch (@Mooch1978) !

15:10- Lord @KingDavidOTW starts off the week’s #CombatTalk !

25:00- The Lords catch up with Mooch and see if any of his “Top 5 Games” rankings have changed!

28:00- The Lords go over last week’s results for the Official ILP Twitter Poll and get heated over the marketing schedule for Gears 5!

01:08:00- A friend of the Realm, Lord Jax (@ecjaxson) of BRAP Podcast stops by!

01:11:30- Telltale Studios rises from its grave! The Lords ponder what this might mean for the studio/ ex-employees & if there’s still a market for visual novel style games!

01:28:15- The Lords give ther Astral Chain impressions!

01:41:40- The Lords give their thoughts about Control’s release and whether Control’s hype is partly because of the rumor of Sony’s possible purchase!

02:06:25- The new Official ILP Twitter Poll is up for the week!

02:07:05- The Lords do their Outros!
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