Tag : The Iron Lords Podcast

Iron Lords Podcast

PS5 vs Xbox Series X Generations | Sega Announcements | Destiny 2’s Live Event ft Bill Stillwell

Barry Eversley
Welcome to another new episode of The Iron Lord Podcast. On today’s show, the Lords are joined by very special guest Bill Stillwell of the...
Iron Lords Podcast

BlizzCon 2019 | Death Stranding | Xbox Console Streaming | Xbox All Access | EA/Steam|ft Undead 3xVI

Brian Andujar
Welcome to another new episode of The Iron Lords Podcast. On today’s show, the Lords are joined by the newest edition to the LOGNET family,...
Iron Lords Podcast

Gears 5 Previews | Astral Chain Review Bombing | Telltale Revival? | Sony buying Remedy? | ft Mooch

Brian Andujar
Welcome to another new episode of The Iron Lords Podcast. On today’s show the Lords are joined by @Mooch1978 and @ecjaxson, to discuss Gears 5...
Iron Lords Podcast

ILP 100 | ft Mr Boomstick XL | Reggie Retires | GamePass to Switch | Scarlet at E3? | Halo Infinite

Brian Andujar
Welcome to Episode 100 of The Iron Lords Podcast! On today’s very special show, the Lords are joined by @MrboomstickXL and @iDizzy81, to announce the launch of LordsOfGaming.net!...