Warframe Epitaph Prime Featured Image

Warframe: Epitaph Prime Build and Impressions

2 minutes read

Epitaph Prime came with Sevagoth Prime Access last month with the launch of The Lotus Eaters. While the prime version of Sevagoth can be described as “new look, same great Sevagoth taste”, Epitaph Prime can fall into that same category as all prime variants. Boasting a higher damage output, better critical chance and more, here is what I came up with a standard general use build.

Warframe Epitaph Prime Featured Image

Epitaph Prime Build and Impressions in Warframe

Below is the build I have tested for all endgame activities, including Steel Path, Archon Hunts and Netracells, I do not recommend it in Deep Archimedea unless it is the only choice you have:

Warframe Epitaph Prime Build

I have never been a fan of Epitaph and how it works, but its high damage output makes a monster against enemies that are slowed down using Sevagoth’s Gloom ability. Using the standard damage duo on top of Primed Target Cracker and Creeping Bullseye to boost the charged shot stats. Radiation and Gas work well with the area-of-effect instant shots to take down crowds quicker, with a touch of Secondary Fortifier to get Overguard from Eximus units to make it into something worth the while.

While Epitaph Prime doesn’t have much to differentiate it from Epitaph itself, considering it has similar polarities and slightly improved stats, it is still worth farming for. Just do not expect much of a difference.

Joseph Repko

Associate Editor and writer for all things Warframe and Soulframe. Xbox/PSN: LivingIgnis Steam: A glittery moose Twitter: @FlameLOGNET