Iron Harvest | Spider-man Marvel Avengers | Samsung & MS Deal | ft Sir Tobi | Hoeg Law | Undead 3xvi
Welcome to another new episode of The Iron Lord Podcast. On today’s show, the Lords are joined by the Communications Specialist for Koch Media/Deep Silver and Iron Harvest go-to guy Tobias-Stolz Zwilling. The Lords are also joined by Attorney Rick Hoeg of the Hoeg Law Business Law Firm, and LordofGaming.Net Editor Nicholas Downie of the Gaming Perspective Podcast. The Lords discuss the Iron Harvest Open Beta challenge (King Art Devs vs ILP) with Tobi; “Virtual Legality” with Hoeg regarding Sony Spider-Man Marvel Avengers exclusivity; Samsung and Microsoft’s recent partnership; and comparing next-gen launch lineups. ILP 170 is in the books!
Iron Harvest Timestamps w/ Benji Sales + Hoeg Law & Undead 3xvi
00:00 – ILP# 170 Pre-Show!
19:37 – ILP# 170 Show Start!
22:21 – It’s a big week for guests! @LordCognito starts off the week’s “Lordly Introductions” for this week’s main guest & friend to the realm, Sir Tobi of Warhorse Studios (@T0_8I)!
24:32 – We also have Lord Hoeg (@HoegLaw) & Lord Undead (@undead3xvi) of #LOGNET stopping in for some special topics this week!
40:25 – It’s the aftermath of the big Iron Harvest OpenBeta Iron Challenge event! The Lords talk about the now-infamous stream and go in-depth on everything Iron Harvest!
53:07 – Lord Snalydo (@Snalydo) stops by the Realm!
01:14:35 – The Lords go over last week’s results for the Official #ILP Twitter Poll!
01:27:12 – #SpiderMan is going to be an exclusive #Sony console character in the new #MarvelsAvengers game from #CrystalDynamics! The Lords give their thoughts on this very polarizing topic!
02:35:17 – The Lords talk about the recently announced partnership between #Microsoft & #Samsung ‘s phone division for #Xcloud!
02:51:34 – The Lords give their thoughts on the currently known next-gen launch lineup for both systems!
03:11:54 – The new question for the Official #ILP Twitter Poll is up for the week!
03:12:41 – The Lords do their Outros!
Be sure to check out everything the Iron Lords have to offer! Click the links below:
See more ILP: Check out ILP 169 Benji Sales Video Game Industry Analyst | Grounded Success | Halo Infinite MP Free To Play
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