Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty General Gameplay Tips
Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty is a new third-person action-adventure game from Team Ninja and Koei Tecmo. Wo Long is structured as a new take on the souls-like genre. Meaning that this game, for lack of better terms is going to be a challenge for most players who pick up and play it. As such, players will need all the help they can get to survive their journey. Here are some basic tips to help you understand the gameplay.
Morale and Fortitude Rank
Morale rank is what helps differentiate what opponents you should fight. If you are, say, rank 0. Fighting rank 0’s or 1’s will help you get to higher morale ranks. This will in turn help you understand what is essentially the leveling system of the game. So do not attack enemies that are at least 3 or more ranks above you. But in typical souls-like fashion, when you die. The morale rank does dissipate, so is there a way to keep it? Well, yes.
Fortitude rank helps you retain your morale rank when you die. To help raise your fortitude rank you must simply look out for:
- Battle Flags.
- Marking Flags.
Alongside your mini-map, you will have a number of these two things to show you how much you need to collect in each area. Explore a bit, it will ease you along your journey.
Get Your Defense Up Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
One of the ways to survive longer in combat is by increasing your “Earth Virtue” level. The reason you would want to do this is that if you equip armor to increase your damage resistance. The more weight you will accumulate. So getting your Earth Virtue up will keep you light and snappy.
As in every souls-like type of game, blocking is your friend. Use your block to learn the moves of your enemies and then learn to deflect. Deflecting is akin to parrying, if you parry you will restore the spirit you lose when blocking normally. As well as draining their spirit and giving you a moment to strike them. Be patient and always dodge out of the way of red attacks as this information is useless against those.
Know Your Type of Attacks
Sometimes enemies can be harder to kill than you would like. Because of this, you should learn Fatal Strikes. That act as a way to use your deflection skills. This alongside spirit attacks will help you take down enemies easier. The spirit your enemy has recovers during combat, so attacking with your own spirit attacks via the circle or Y button on your controllers can reduce their spirit gauge.
These types of strikes alongside Martial arts can add some agility to your play style. Martial arts add attacks to when you are dodging. Allowing you to put distance between yourself and enemies. As well as being able to do sweeping attacks on multiple enemies. Specific martial arts are tied to each weapon in the game. So experiment a little bit!
Understanding Wizardry in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
As you level up in the game, you will be given the opportunity to use spells. Understanding them can give you an edge in combat. As they can deal substantial damage to enemies and leave them open to attacks. As well as giving you certain benefits. Here are five spells to try out if you are just getting started:
- “Absorb Vitality” is unlockable after you learn lightning bolt. This will give you life steal for long skirmishes.
- “Blasting Flare” lights enemies on fire, dealing damage to them over time.
- “Enhanced Defense” will give you damage reduction as well as reduce the flinch your character does when taking damage. This will not apply to red attacks from enemies.
- “Repression Crush” will reduce the rate at which your enemy’s spirit gauge refills.
- “Frost Lance” will throw out water attacks that can stagger your enemies. You can also rapidly throw these.
If you are unsure on how this game plays from a control standpoint. Do be sure to check out the controls in the menu to make sure you know what buttons do what. This is a challenging game, and you will need all of the help you can get in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty.
If you also need some help to take down some of the bosses of the game, including one special boss. You can find more guides, here at Lords of Gaming!