Eiyuden Chronicles September update

Eiyuden Chronicle May 2023 Update


We are back once again, with one of my favorite times of the month. That’s right it is time for another Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes update. The team has been hard at work gearing up for the potential 2023 release. The recent updates haven’t held a lot of information recently, but the team has celebrated “Golden Week” and has provided us with a little cool info. For May’s Eiyuden Chronicle update, we get a sneak peek at “Auto Tactics” from Komuta, Murayama’s Monthly Update, and a word from the team. So let’s get into it, shall we?

Komuta D’s Sneak Peek

Like I said in the opening we get a little Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Sneak Peek with Komuta saying this: Komu-nichiwa. Komu-banwa. Director Komuta here! And this month, I’d like to give you another sneak peek at what’s happening behind the scenes. The content for Komuta D’s Sneak Peak #2 is the “Auto Tactics”. Ta-da!

So what on earth is Auto Tactics? In Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, Auto Tactics is an auto-battle system that makes for an easier and more rewarding experience for those that find fighting normal enemies to be a pain in the butt. Huh? But Auto systems can only be used against weak enemies that are a certain amount of levels lower than you, right? No, no, no. Even with the default settings, you can run headlong into any fight against normal enemies and that party will handle the rest.

They’ll even heal themselves if things are looking dicey. I can’t go into any more detail about what kind of system it is just yet, but I would encourage anyone who finds battles tedious to use it from the get-go. And that’s a wrap on this month’s Sneak Peek! I hope you look forward to the next one!

“Auto Tactics” is a great idea and it kind of reminds me of a more advanced version of the “Free Will/Auto” Commands in the Suikoden games. Personally, I see myself fighting out the majority of the battles, because that’s a me thing. I will agree this is a very useful option and I will use it on occasion. Big thank you to Komuta for sharing this with the community.

Murayama’s Monthly Update

In May’s Murayama Monthly Update, he discusses some aspects of making a game. He also talked about public appearances at shows his publicists ask. In this Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes update Murayama said this:

We had a six-hour meeting with a large group the other day, including our publisher 505 Games. Our meetings are typically held online, so it’s been a long time since we’ve met face-to-face like this. A video game is both a creator’s project, but also a product. If these two aspects aren’t balanced properly then the game can become either a purely self-indulgent art piece or an empty imitation that has lost its heart as a game. Sometimes I’m asked what kind of game it is that I want to make, but to me what I want to make the most is a game that many people will enjoy. Ultimately that’s tied to how fun the game is and its storyline.

But what will make players happy is an extremely difficult question and despite searching for a long time, it’s still a tough one to answer. When I say “many people,” as happy as I am to sell a lot of copies, being proactive and getting to know the people connected to the game is important too. That’s why I appear at shows the publicists ask me to attend, answer surveys, shoot my own videos, wear goofy costumes, and film embarrassing skits. Even so, sometimes a creator has their reasons for not accepting a publicity request that comes up, which then results in a six-hour long meeting. That being said, I consider that a part of my job as a game producer.

During that six-hour meeting I was finally, finally able to receive some of the merchandise for Eiyuden Chronicle: Rising. I’m quite pleased, and like the tumblers in particular.

A Word From The Team

Director Komuta shared some words development and the “Ending Theme Chorus Project” and he said this:

It feels like it’s been a while since I wrote a Message from the Team! Komu-nichiwa. Komu-banwa. Director Komuta here! Development is in the final stages and it’s carnage on the development floor. But we finally got to incorporate the live background music we recorded the other day! I like the moment when the sound enters the game production process the most because it’s like I can finally feel the world with all five senses. It gave me serious goosebumps and couldn’t help but get excited.

I can’t wait for you all to hear it too! While we’re on the topic of sound, we announced the continuation of the “Ending Theme Chorus Project” in last week’s extra little update. The original plan was to record the event with loads of people using Zoom, but because so many of you applied to take part and how the system works, we had to change gears and will instead be uploading data recorded by each person. We plan to explain the recording procedure in this during a special live broadcast on June 4 (Sun.) from 14:00 JST.

You can find the Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Chrous Project application guidelines here!

Murayama and I are also scheduled to appear, so if you have time please give it a watch. It looks like there’ll even be a demonstration involving core members of the team too (lol). Anyway, it’s about time I returned to the battlefield. Thank you as always for your continued support!


Now I know this is a smaller update like the others have been. But they gave us some cool things here. The reveal of the in-game “Auto Battle” was great! Many people feel they just can’t be bothered with some of the battles in games. This will allow for a way easier time. I also always enjoy Murayama and the team’s insight into different aspects of the game. It’s one of the reasons they are my favorite developers.

With these small updates over the past couple of months, I’m hoping we get some type of gameplay soon. We have the potential for that in the upcoming June Xbox Showcase or Summer Games Fest. Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is dropping into Game Pass day one. So there is a chance we can see it in a Game Pass sizzle reel. Only time will tell. I expect in future updates we will begin to start getting some great info. The game is currently slated for a 2023 release date so fingers crossed that still happens!

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