Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes Oct ’23 Update


As we head toward the home stretch and the end of 2023 the team behind Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is still hard at work. Rabbit & Bear Studios are still providing consistent updates for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. This update has come a little later, but it’s here nonetheless. This month’s update includes clear information about the release for backers and non-backers. We also get Murayama’s monthly update and we get a sneak peek from Komuta as well. So let’s get right into it.

Kicking off October’s update for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes the team started by providing updates on backer rewards. They had this to say:

Hey there heroes!

We have marched past Halloween and are one step closer to finalizing the game. Speaking of which, there is no better time than the holiday season to play games! What holiday games are you looking forward to?

Backer Digital Version and Digital Deluxe Version

The beginning of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, started off being funded as a Kickstarter. The Kickstarter was a major success and was supported well past its initial goals. So backers for the game will get some different things for supporting the game. This month the team wanted to make sure to show fans the difference between the Backer Digital version and the Digital Deluxe version. So they had this to say about these versions of the games:

We have put together this chart to explain the differences between the Digital Deluxe version and the digital version that backers are getting. The goal is to make sure backers have received a great value for their initial support. While also making sure there are attractive options for new customers to support the title. We want to make sure there is more Eiyuden Chronicle in the future through supporting the passionate backers as well as new fans alike.

Platform Race

Something else the team decided to do was track the platforms fans were going to play on. They are doing this on Reddit and had this to say:

We have an ongoing vote on the official Eiyuden Reddit asking people which platform they plan to play the game on. If you have time go on over and make your vote known!

Everyone interested can do it here.

Murayama’s Monthly Update

In October’s update, Murayama talked about how different authors approach world settings and the heroes. He had this say about Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes this month:

“Different authors approach world setting and the story differently. While some create a detailed world setting and then fill it with story, I consider the setting to be a tool that assists the story. For me, the world setting exists to make the story run smoothly and to add depth. So, I try not to create so many settings that I have an unnecessary surplus I won’t need in the future, but sometimes that simply doesn’t fly. More than 100 heroes had to be assigned a place of origin. Of course, the world would be too small if only places that existed within the game could be used.

So we had to make up places that did not exist in the game to be assigned as some characters’ birthplaces.
So basically, we need to set up locations that are not used in the game. I’d like to keep those vague, if possible, so that they don’t become a liability later on. But as a player, it’s definitely more fun getting a glimpse of some details about that part than for us to be overly vague about it. In the midst of such a combination, some of the names are specific and don’t exist in the game, and characters who don’t seem to care about such things are just given vague names like “from a country west of XX”.”

Komuta D’s Sneak Peek

Director Komuta gave us a sneak peek at a mini-game you will get to experience in Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Being that this is a spiritual successor to the Suikoden series fans aren’t surprised we get some fun mini-games. In regards to the mini-game he showed us, he had this to say:

“You can play a variety of minigames as you progress through the story of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. And I’m going to give you a quick look at just one of them: Card Game! It’s a very simple game where players play cards from their hands on the table and compete for three positions, but it’s actually pretty deep.”

The higher the total of the numbers in the upper left corner of the card = the higher the strength and the better the position you get. Like other card games, matching card colors, numbers or creating combinations with numbers in sequential order gets you bonus points.

Not only that, cards with the same patterns as their friends have skills that activate various effects when certain conditions are met. Hildy’s card is a powerful one that increases your strength by +3 just by playing it.

Some skills are more effective than others. Such as those that increase strength if the card colors are different. Or others that straight up take away points from your opponent. It’s not a simple matter of building decks and play styles that differ depending on the characters your opponent uses. Buy card packs in the game to acquire cards, and build your own unique and powerful deck to become the best card battler!


I’m personally chomping at the bit for any information I can get for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. As someone who was a big fan of Chinchiron and Ritapon in the Suikoden series, I love mini-games. I am curious because backers had the option to buy Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes cards if people can play this in real life. I am interested to see how the team closes out the year with their last couple of updates as well. After a small delay this year, we know the game will be released on all platforms on 4-23-24. You can also play it in Game Pass on day one.

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