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Warframe Devshorts 27 Breakdown

2 minutes read

The latest episode of Devshorts has just wrapped up on all official channels for Warframe. Hosted by Digital Extremes CEO, Steve Sinclair and Creative Director of Warframe, Rebecca Ford, they went over a small recap of things to come in the game, and recent news regarding their marque game. Here is everything they talked about in Devshorts 27!

Warframe Koumei Key art

Devshorts 27 for Warframe Breakdown

It has been a few weeks since the last episode of Devshorts, and Devshorts 27 was packed with a lot of new stuff for players to learn about:

  • The newest Nora Nightwave is now available. Nightwave is the completely free battle pass system filled with unique cosmetics, mods and other awesome rewards.
Warframe Stalker Masks
  • The warframe being added in Warframe: 1999, Cyte-09, has been confirmed to have an exalted sniper rifle, similar to Mesa’s Peacemaker ultimate ability. Whether or not it is auto-aim and fire is yet to be known.
  • Void fissures now drop more reactant in missions to make it so players can open their relics before timers run out faster.
  • The next warframe to be released, Koumei in “Koumei and the Five Fates” this fall, will be premiered at Tokyo Game Show alongside a similar batch of content and quality of life improvements to Abyss of Dagath.
  • They are aware people want to replay The Lotus Eaters, no confirmation on replayability just yet.
  • Corrupted Mods from Deimos Towers, such as Fleeting Expertise, Transient Fortitude and Narrow Minded will be popping up in alerts throughout September.
  • Finally, the song “Party of Your Lifetime” from the in-universe boy band “On-Lyne”, debuted in Warframe: 1999’s gameplay reveal has reached 1 million plays on Spotify, and YouTube respectively.

If you would like to watch the full stream for any minute details, you can do so here.

Joseph Repko

Associate Editor and writer for all things Warframe and Soulframe. Xbox/PSN: LivingIgnis Steam: A glittery moose Twitter: @FlameLOGNET

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