Soulframe Devstream 3 Breakdown

4 minutes read

Earlier today, the last Devstream for Soulframe this year had wrapped up on all of their official channels. This devstream was focused on Preludes 8, which is coming next year. This version of preludes will have a new player social hub, starting quest and other things to look forward to. Here is everything they talked about in their third Devstream!

New Soulframe Prologue and Fable

They talked in length about the new War Song Prologue for Soulframe. This prologue will be how you customize your characters appearance and will act as a new “drop in” point for the story. During the devstream they confirmed they will not be wiping player progress when this arrives in Preludes 8. How you will be able to experience it is by talking to Orlick in your Nightfold Tent. After talking about the War Song Prologue, they showed off concept art for the Night Maidens in the game. What their function in the narrative is unclear at this time.

Also coming in Preludes 8 is the Fable for Orengal, the wolf that has been shown in a lot of promotional material for Soulframe. In Orengal’s fable, you will be rewarded with one of her pups. Which will allow you to raise it and eventually use it as your mount to traverse Midrath island more quickly. Below is a screenshot that shows all four pups you can choose from in-game.

Afterwards they moved onto discussing more gameplay related changes and additions coming in Preludes 8.

A Social Hub, Environmental Hazards, and new Pact

In Preludes 8, they will be adding the first player social hub. This social hub will be housed of the Silent Rose. A secret rebellious force against the Ode. This social hub was once the home of pirates long ago, and has a tavern that plays pirate themed music while you go around talking with NPCs, accepting side quests and mingling with other players.

They also went onto showing two different additions to the Undercity Dungeon tilesets. There was a new corridor lit ablaze that you have to throw your sword at water filled barrels to douse. As well as a new tower you have to throw your weapon with rope to turn and open the way forward with. Offering more variety and puzzle solving to keep things interesting.

Finally, they showed off the fourth Pact coming to Soulframe. It will be themed around Orengal and will allow you to summon wolves in combat. With abilities that can either have one set as your companion, another that can be used to teleport into for a swift retreat. As well as a howl that buffs ally, draws aggro to your wolf companion and can even mind control other beastly enemies to your side for a time. One part of this pact that grabbed my attention was that its passive can sometimes summon Orengal herself to maul an enemy in a very violent fashion. This seems to be a “beastmaster” styled Pact and looks fun from what they showed.

Stream Q&A Highlights and Other Reveals

At the end of the stream, they also took questions from the community, which resulted in learning the following:

  • There will not just be more Fables and side missions added to Soulframe. They will be focusing on an overarching narrative in the future.
  • There will be unarmed martial arts in the future for those who like using fisticuffs.
  • Health Potions are currently under review. There will be greater healing potions in the future, but for now they may change the healing to focus on percentages of health and not just a set amount.
  • They are debating on a potential mini-map, but may leave players to rely on the compass and bird guide.
  • Swimming may become a thing next year.
  • Finally, difficulty scaling will be harsher in Preludes 8. Right now, enemies all do similar damage but only get more health in higher levels, they will be adjusting this to make the game more challenging.
  • At the beginning of the stream, they hinted that console platforms are being considered and will be discussed next year.

But that wraps up Devstream 3 for Soulframe. If you would like to watch the full stream for any minute details and see all new gameplay, you can do so here.

Joseph Repko

Associate Editor and writer for all things Warframe and Soulframe. Xbox/PSN: LivingIgnis Steam: A glittery moose Twitter: @FlameLOGNET