Warframe: 1999 – Legacyte Harvest Guide

2 minutes read

In Warframe: 1999 there was a slew of new missions added to the game. From the Effervon Tank boss, to the new Legacyte Harvest, or endless capture mission, there is a lot of variety for Warframe players to enjoy right now. While the Legacyte Harvest mission is pretty straight forward, there are still some tips you need to know about it to get the most out of your experience!

Legacyte Harvest Guide for Warframe: 1999

For starters, before you interact with Kalymos, make sure you look around for reputation items in the area before you. I recommend using the Orokin Eye air support to help you out in this regard.

Now, after you interact with Kalymos and follow it to the catacombs below, there are only two things you can do. For starters, protect Kalymos as if it is hurt, your progress for sniffing out a Legacyte will slow. Also keep an eye out for these pods that are dropped from enemies. If you pick one up, go to Kalymos and it will speed up your progress.

Once you reach 100, you will then have to take down a Legacyte. The Legacyte is pretty crafty, it can either have a frost eximus bubble around itself or have other abilities it can take advantage of. Such as yareli’s spinning blades, or the ability to knock you down. Take care to not get cocky around it! But all you have to do is deplete its health bar, then capture it. Just make sure it does not escape.

From here, its a simple rinse and repeat. The possible rewards you can get range from any of the new resources, or the Reconifex or Versper-77 components. This is all randomized, but if you are going to do this mission, make sure you do a bounty variant to get extra pay for your time and at least do 4 captures!

I hope this guide helps you in Legacyte Harvest, Tenno!

Joseph Repko

Associate Editor and writer for all things Warframe and Soulframe. Xbox/PSN: LivingIgnis Steam: A glittery moose Twitter: @FlameLOGNET

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