Destiny 2 Preps Cross-Save and New Exotic Quest
Season of Opulence concludes its third week in Destiny 2 with some updated news from Bungie. On Thursday, June 27th Destiny was brought offline for twelve hours to undergo major maintenance. The services implemented were to prepare for Cross-Save in Destiny 2 Shadowkeep later this fall. On September 17th Bungie’s plan is to allow players to jump from Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Steam, and Google Stadia with each of their characters. Here are some key questions and answers regarding the recent Cross-Save announcement.

Q: Do players need to repurchase Destiny 2 on each Cross Save platform separately?
A: Destiny 2 will be on all available platforms for free as Destiny 2: New Light. However, players will need to purchase Destiny 2 expansions (Forsaken, Shadowkeep) for each connected platform in order to access that expansion’s content. Cross-Save will preserve all gear, character, and items across all platforms regardless of expansion ownership.
Q: Can players merge different characters, items, or triumphs from different accounts?
A: Cross-Save does not feature any form of account, character, or progress merging. Selecting a set of characters for Cross Save does not delete or alter the data of any other character sets. Other character sets will be inaccessible for use as long as Cross-Save is active.
Q: Will Destiny 2 support cross-play matchmaking between different platforms?
A: No. Each platform will have its own matchmaking pool.
New Exotic Quest
Next week The Lumina Exotic hand cannon quest will become available. Current Annual Pass owners will begin their hunt for this new weapon in the EDZ. Few hints have been given by Bungie regarding this exotic weapon. “Guardians wielding this weapon to support each other in combat” is the only clue thus far. Tuesday, July 2nd the hunt begins! You can find all remaining updates from Bungie, charitable endeavors with GuardianCon, and more this week listed here.
[See More: Destiny 2 inches closer to Transmog system | Where Is Xur?]
Cross-Save is very intriguing to me as Destiny is nearly a full-time job for me. The Destiny player population has had a huge resurgence as of late. The thought of playing Destiny on PC at 60FPS with the option to help out my friends on Xbox and PS4 is extremely exciting to me! Even Google Stadia may have its place in my gaming ecosystem as a remote browser streaming option. How impactful do you think Cross-Save for Destiny 2 will be? Make sure you leave your feedback in the comments below.
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