Excitement is building up, debates are firing off, and any piece of new hardware information from Sony and Microsoft is being discussed on podcasts all over YouTube. All of this can only mean one thing: The next-generation consoles are on the horizon. While their debut is imminent, will the previous generation of games be left behind? Reports have confirmed the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Scarlett supporting backward compatibility, but which online games and communities will carry their spark into next-gen? Let’s take a look at which games should take their presence to the new consoles.
Final Fantasy XIV
Hitting over 14 million subscribers, Final Fantasy XIV is a force to be reckoned with in the MMO market. From being a complete dumpster fire in its debut to now being claimed as one of the best JRPGs of the generation, it’s almost a given we’ll see FFXIV on PS5. The A Realm Reborn rerelease is six years strong and filled with worthwhile content that will make any Final Fantasy fan happy. Perhaps for FFXIV‘s PS5 launch, Square Enix can implement some quality of life improvements, like faster load times, because of the hardware upgrade.
Hopefully, Xbox players can get in on the fun too since the game has yet to see a release on an Xbox console.
Blizzard’s popular team-based shooter has kept its steam pumping since its 2016 release with fresh updates and the Overwatch League. Yet, the game still has some room to stretch its legs as it’s quite young in the competitive scene. While some are eager for a sequel, Blizzard really doesn’t need to consider making it any time soon. Dedicated Overwatch fans will undoubtedly play the game on their new next-gen hardware, but perhaps older and new fans need more convincing. Say, like, a singleplayer campaign; a much-requested mode besides the PvE content. With how popular their character-centric animated shorts are, a singleplayer story mode is the next big step for Overwatch outside the competitive scene.
This one is quite obvious, but still worth mentioning. Just like Minecraft, Fortnite has become a phenomenon in the video game industry with its competitive nature, timely crossover events, and updates to keep it fresh. Expect some Fortnite PS5 and Xbox Scarlett console bundles since the game is a system seller, regardless if it can be played anywhere and on nearly any portable device.
Monster Hunter World
After the overwhelming success of Monster Hunter World, Capcom just has to be considering a sequel for next-gen. However, it may be a while before we see that happen, so why not carry the success of MHW onto PS5 and Xbox Scarlett? After all, a few much-needed updates can be made to World to make it the definitive monster hunting experience; faster load times, smooth 60 frames per second gameplay, cleaner draw distances, etc. Besides what can be improved, there’s enough promise for World to keep expanding until halfway through the next generation.
Red Dead Redemption II
While the online has met some fair criticism from players, it’s crystal clear Rockstar is not giving up on Red Dead Redemption II‘s online mode. Until the inevitable release of Grand Theft Auto VI, Red Dead II will more than likely follow in GTAV‘s footsteps and be a cross-gen title. Rockstar is known for its high-quality titles, so hopefully, the rerelease of Red Dead II will come with much-needed improvements to make the rebuy worth it.
The Last of Us Part II
You saw this coming. The Last of Us Part II recently announced that the game will ship with no online mode, yet Naughty Dog confirms that something online-related is in the works. Whether they provide a massive update to the base game or release a Factions online mode along with the debut of PS5, The Last of Us Part II will definitely live beyond its PS4 life. We already know The Last of Us Part II is going to look stunning, but let’s hope the performance can hold up on current-gen and be drastically improved for PS5.
An ambitious title that likely didn’t meet sales initial expectations is an understatement to describe Control. While the game is gorgeous to look at, playing on the current home consoles is not the prime way to play. Perhaps a next-gen update can fix those technical problems. If developer Remedy decides to rerelease Control during a dry video game release period, like summer, new players will likely pick it up to see the new tech in the consoles at work.
Since the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Scarlett will backward compatible, we may see fewer remasters unless those updates are substantial. However, some games do have thriving online communities. It’ll make sense to see these games carry over, but it’ll be up to Sony and Microsoft to convince developers to put in the extra effort. What games would you like to see coming to Playstation 5 and Xbox Scarlett? Let us know in the comments below.
You can catch the Iron Lords Podcast every Sunday at 1 p.m. EST on YouTube.
[See More: Sony: PlayStation 5 set for holiday 2020 release]