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How to Use Discord Chat on Xbox

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Discord is quickly becoming gamers’ choice for communication. It’s a great tool the brings together people across different ecosystems and platforms. However, some platforms don’t have access to Discord’s full features, including voice chat. Luckily, if you’re on an Xbox console, there is a solution. 

What You’ll Need to Use Discord Chat on Xbox

discord app phone

In order to use Discord on Xbox, you’ll need a couple of things. First, a mobile phone. You probably have one already so go ahead and download the Discord app (Android / iOS) if you haven’t done so already.

Secondly, you’ll need an Xbox Wireless Headset or another headset that can connect to two devices simultaneously. Be sure to pair up your Xbox Wireless Headset or equivalent headset to your phone and console (this applies to both Xbox One and Xbox Series generation of consoles).  

How to Connect a Discord Voice Call on Your Headset

Xbox Wireless Headset 2

In the Discord mobile app, had over to the chat section. Select who you want to chat with and connect with them via voice call. And voila, you should hear the ringing through your headset. After the call connects, adjust your party chat settings and game audio mix to your liking. 

If you’re using the Xbox Wireless Headset, it’s quite simple to adjust the voice chat and game mix. One can adjust the chat and game mix by rotating the built-in dial on the side of the left ear cup. The right ear cup dial adjusts the volume. 

Bonus tip, be sure to check on the headset volume on your phone as well. You can adjust the headset volume on your phone like any other Bluetooth-connected device.   

Are you surprised how easy it is to use Discord on Xbox? Tech has really come a long way to help gamers connect and communicate across different platforms. Do you own another headset that can also connect to both a console and a mobile phone simultaneously? Let us in the comment section below. 

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