Warframe: Nova Build and Post Rework Review

3 minutes read

In Koumei and The Five Fates, a few warframes got major reworks. From the long-desired Caliban rework to a surprise rework for Nova. Nova for the longest time, has been a great warframe that never got asked for buffs or nerfs. But, in this current update, she got many changes to her kit that make her function much better, in ways people were very surprised by. With all the new changes in mind, I revisited my build and found something very mischievous that anyone can use with a little time.

A Neutron Star focused Nova Build in Warframe

Below is my build that I have been having a lot of fun with:

From the outside looking in, it’s a fairly standard build with no need for forma. It’s a good balance of range, efficiency and strength. With molt efficiency picking up the slack with duration. Molt augmented will help get your overall power strength to 245% after getting enough kills too. But the big-ticket item is the addition of Neutron Star. Neutron Star originally felt like a very underwhelming augment, considering you could only recast her first ability when it ran out of charges.

But that is not the case as of the rework. Her first ability can be recasted as much as you want, and it now scales better with power strength. Making it fun to use to slowly burn away crowds of enemies. This also meshes well with Pillage, which I added in place of Wormhole. Strip away armor, get overshields and burn enemies alive, win win!

Below are the archon shards I chose for this build, obviously you can choose whichever ones you think are best instead:

But how does Nova perform now compared to before?

Post Rework Review

Improving upon a warframe that already performed perfectly felt like an odd choice, but a welcomed one. Her first ability being recastable makes it very useful, especially with the build above. Her second ability being controllable and do much more makes it something worth keeping even if I rarely use it. Wormhole now having charge indicators above it is a great touch, and her ultimate ability having a toggle for slow and fast effects is wonderful. It gets rid of the Slova and Spova mix ups some players run into depending on the activity.

Overall, Nova went from a great warframe to one that goes beyond her ultimate utility. She is much more fun to use and re-solidifies herself as one of the best in the current meta.

Joseph Repko

Associate Editor and writer for all things Warframe and Soulframe. Xbox/PSN: LivingIgnis Steam: A glittery moose Twitter: @FlameLOGNET