PAX East 2020 was amazing! The 4-day convention for gamers was filled with every genre of gaming imaginable. However, one of the most impactful showings at this expansive show wasn’t a game. Located by the very last escalators, at a small booth, I found an organization called 1UponCancer.
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1UponCancer, the name, the donation boxes, and donation tags really hit home. Recently our Editor and good friend Kevin was diagnosed with cancer. He recently and courageously wrote an article detailing what he has been going through. Battling the disease doesn’t only attack your mind and body, but sadly in this country also your wallet. Money should be the last thing that someone and their family should worry about when preparing to beat cancer. It is especially frustrating that cancer patients have to look to GoFundMe to help pay for their cancer treatment.
1UpOnCancer is a gaming community-based non-profit organization dedicated to direct financial assistance for adults in the United States undergoing cancer treatment. Simply put, gamers looking out for other gamers.
The organization was started on July 11, 2015, by Christina Haslage, her husband Chris and Dr. Patricia Todd. The idea of 1UponCancer started due to having to watch friends and family go through the process. The notion of starting a charity was also propelled by the passing of the former President and CEO of Nintendo, Satoru Iwata.
1UponCancer is only in their 5th year and already they have managed to help many families with over $100,000 of financial assistance. They have also acquired sponsorships from many of our favorite gaming companies like Bethesda, Gearbox and Jackbox games.
How Can I Help?
Even though they are building other avenues to increase donations, you can help directly via PayPal. You can also join and volunteer your time by streaming or contact them to help. You can also just visit their website to get more information on what they do and how you can join.