
Kena: Bridge of Spirits Releases a New Jaw-Dropping Trailer

Kena: Bridge of Spirits, the debut title from Ember Lab, lands on PS4 and PS5 on August 24th. Ember Lab announced the release date, alongside a new, bombastic trailer during Sony’s State of Play. 

Kena: Bridge of Spirits Release Date and Info Revealed

The trailer detailed the vibrantly lush world within Kena, as well as the Rot creatures inhabiting it. During the trailer, players received a deeper dive into the minute-to-minute gameplay for the title. This included, small snippets of platforming, bow combat, exploration, as well as a restoration mechanic. Perhaps, most striking, was the sheer beauty of the games art style.

Obviously, we knew previously how the game would look, thanks to its reveal in June. But, to see more of the game in motion, with the same Pixar movie-esque art style intact, honestly dropped my jaw. While, high fidelity, graphically intense games are always welcome, games like Kena can carve out their piece of the pie as well. Some would even argue, titles like Kena: Bridge of Spirits, are more visually appealing than a game like, Red Dead Redemption 2. With this trailer, I personally see that argument holding merit.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits

Returning to the trailer, Ember Lab also dropped a few hints pertaining to story. We got some nuggets touching on the darkness within the world, a deeper look into Kena’s master and even a few boss fights. Overall, the game continues to blow me away and has quickly risen to one of my most anticipated for the year.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits releases on PS4, PS5 and the Epic Games Store on August 24th. There will be a $39.99 standard edition and a $49.99 digital deluxe edition. The latter, includes the game’s soundtrack, an in game silver staff and golden Rot exclusive skin for players. PlayStation owners who purchase the game, are entitled to both PS5 and PS4 digital copies of the game.

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