Warframe: Caliban Rework Breakdown

2 minutes read

During Tokyo Game Show, Digital Extremes hosted Devstream 181 live and showed off a lot of awesome upcoming content for Warframe. From everything you can expect in Koumei and The Five Fates, they also showed off the long desired and awaited Caliban rework. During the stream Game Director Pablo Alonso created a whole video showcasing the rework in full. Here are the changes coming to Caliban in the upcoming update!

Caliban Rework Details in Warframe

Caliban’s passive ability is not being changed. It will still be a free adaptation mod baked into Caliban for you and your allies. But all of his abilities will now deal “Tau” damage. What Tau damage does is that when an enemy is afflicted with Tau, they will now suffer more status effect damage in general. But the changes to his general abilities will be:

  • Razor Gyre: Will now be a one time cast and inflict Tau damage to every enemy hit. You will heal and be given energy for each enemy hit.
  • Sentient Wrath: No longer has a cap on how many enemies are lifted. They will also remain stationary instead of floating around and not be freed when you start shooting them.
  • Lethal Progeny: All three Sentients now appear with one cast, and there are three types you can summon. Ones that deal melee damage while spinning, ones that set up as turrets to deal ranged damage. As well as a final type that can summon numerous random sentients to draw aggro from enemies while you give overshields for you and your allies.
  • Finally, Fusion Strike will now no longer leave a field around the blast radius to strip enemy defenses. Instead, the beam will now strip defenses, and you will be invulnerable during the cast. The beam will have increased damage, deal damage multiple times and tag enemies to explode after a short duration.
Caliban Deluxe Skin Image

Caliban will now feel like a very impressive warframe to play around with. This rework will be available with Koumei and The Five Fates on October 2nd. Additionally, Caliban will be receiving his first deluxe skin, and Caliban himself will be given out to all players for free if you login between October 2nd and October 16th.

Joseph Repko

Associate Editor and writer for all things Warframe and Soulframe. Xbox/PSN: LivingIgnis Steam: A glittery moose Twitter: @FlameLOGNET