
Star Wars Outlaws Preview – Reputation and Factions Explained

Star Wars Outlaws Promo banner with title

Star Wars Outlaws is right around the corner. The game will deal with the unsightly underbelly of the galaxy. Let’s take a closer look at how the reputation system works and the different syndicates that Kay Vess will engage with.

Star Wars Outlaws Reputation System Explained

Star Wars Outlaws Kay talking to droid

In Star Wars Outlaws, reputation is everything. If Kay is to be a successful outlaw then she will have to learn to leverage her reputation. A positive reputation will open doors to more rewards and opportunities from syndicates. Conversely, a bad standing will close said rewards and opportunities.

The reputation system in Star Wars Outlaws is quite dynamic. Doing favors for one syndicate will anger another. Expect Kay’s reputation to fluctuate between the factions when changing loyalty. Betrayal is not only expected, it’s needed to take advantage of the galaxy’s underworld.

Don’t worry about feeling overwhelmed when keeping tabs, players can also easily check their standing with the different syndicates. Undoubtedly, this will help players plan how they want to strategize their relations with the different factions. 

The Factions of Star Wars Outlaws – Pyke Syndicate

Star Wars Outlaws Gorak sitting on throne

During the Star Wars Outlaws previews, one of the first factions you will encounter is the Pyke Syndicate. Their main turf is in the Mirogana Valley on the moon Toshara. The Pyke Syndicate is cutthroat and ruthless. 

Led by Underboss Gorak, he is quite politically savvy and plays favorite with the Galactic Empire. Gorak is quite adept in dealing with the Empire. He quickly draws the line when they get too greedy.

In fact, in one of the very first tests Star Wars Outlaws will pit you deals with Gorak and the Pyke Syndicate. Kay will be put in a position to either service or undercut the Pyke faction. You will quickly learn that your choices have consequences for the warring factions.

Crimson Dawn

Star Wars Outlaws Criminal Network Activity Menu Crimson Dawn

Crimson Dawn will also feature in Star Wars Outlaws. Crimson Dawn is hungry to get a piece of Gorak’s kingdom. They are crafty, sneaky, and are an insidious bunch. Any action against the Pyke Syndicate will of course be in the favor of Crimson Dawn.

In the film Solo, Crimson Dawn was led by the infamous Darth Maul through his proxy Dryden Vos. But in the game, the head of the Crimson Dawn is led by Qi’ra who also featured in Solo. Qi’ra is Vos’ top lieutenant so expect to be in dangerous company if you deal with the Crimson Dawn.  

Star Wars Outlaws Factions – The Hutt Cartel

Of course, it wouldn’t be the criminal underbelly without the Hutt Cartel. Led by everyone’s favorite incomprehensible Jabba the Hutt, the Hutt Cartel is simple in its demeanor. According to Danka the mission broker on the Toshara Moon, the Hutt Cartel is exactly what you see and what you get. Quick to escalate to violence, the Hutt Cartel is a shoot-first-ask-questions-later kind of ensemble. However, don’t let that throw you off. They can be ruthless when you get in the way of their interests.

Star Wars Outlaws is slated to release on PC, PlayStation 5, and Xbox Series X|S on August 30.  

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