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Warframe Devshorts 23 Breakdown

Warframe Devshorts 23 Thumbnail

At the start of this year, Digital Extremes started a new weekly show called “Devshorts“. This new show is aimed at keeping the Warframe and Soulframe communities up to date with what they are working on. This show premiers every Tuesday, with CEO of Digital Extremes Steve Sinclair and Creative Director Rebecca Ford. It also only runs for fifteen minutes on the dot, and they just wrapped up with the 23rd episode today. Here is everything they talked about in preparation for TennoCon 2024 on the 20th!

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Devshorts 23 for Warframe Breakdown

This week’s Devstream focused on everything you can expect for TennoCon 2024 on the 20th, including:

  • They highlighted the important shows for people who are solely interesting in seeing new content for Warframe, and Soulframe. You can watch the dedicated Soulframe devstream at 12pm EDT, and will go on for an hour. TennoLive which will be centered around all the reveals for Warframe, including the deep dive in Warframe: 1999 will be at 4:30pm and will go on for an hour and a half.
  • There will be brand new merchandise to purchase at TennoCon 2024, including a Lotus Floof plush, a Grimoire themed notebook, and Albrecht Entrati themed hat.
  • If you are watching the TennoCon stream all day long, you can earn two unique drops. If you watch for 30 minutes before TennoLive, you can earn the AX-52 assault rifle, which Rebecca described will be the “first Warframe: 1999 weapon”. If you are watching TennoLive for 30 minutes or more, you can earn a free Saryn Prime.
  • Finally, they told everyone who is interested in signing up for the Soulframe Preludes, which is the early test build to get a feel for the game, to do so as soon as they can to avoid potential server issues in the future. You can sign up for the Preludes here but be aware that you can only play on PC if you are invited.

But that wraps up everything from Devshorts 23. The stream featured a lot of the Digital Extremes, and it was a fun time watching everyone pitch in to answer questions from the livestream chat. If you would like to watch the stream for any of the shenanigans or more details, you can do so here.

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