Sonic X Shadow Generations – Story Trailer, New Zones and More Revealed
In 2001, Shadow the Hedgehog was introduced to the world, having a level of history and depth the Blue Blur himself didn’t offer. However, after lackluster releases like Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) and Sonic the Hedgehog (2006), the character, while still present, didn’t get the attention he deserved.
Fast forward to 2024 and the character is set to make a massive splash in pop culture, with the linch-pin being Shadow Generations, a game included in the Sonic X Shadow Generations collection set for release on October 25th.
Since we last discussed everything happening surrounding Shadow’s big year, a lot has happened and been revealed.
New Zones for ‘Shadow Generations’
While the full zone list hasn’t been revealed since we last discussed Shadow Generations, many more have been shown off.

Rail Canyon
The iconic Sonic Heroes level ‘Rail Canyon’ returns, being one of the levels representing the ‘Dreamcast’ era alongside Sonic Adventure 2’s ‘Space Colony Ark’ and ‘Radical Highway’. Gameplay was shown during the most recent Sonic Symphony shows, promising fun rail switching and set-pieces from the original returning.
Kingdom Valley
The Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 level returns and offers a very open-level design. Utilizing highlights from the original level, alongside Shadow’s Doom Surf ability, lets him move across the water differently than Sonic. In other games like Sonic Generations, Sonic runs across the water using the boost ability. Shadow having more nuance with his Doom Surf power, makes moving across water feel ‘different’.
In addition, it’s the level with the most footage out there, with major press in the Sonic Community showing the full depth of the level design in the zone.
Sunset Heights
Surprising everyone, this Sonic Forces level was revealed. Not much footage was shown off, but what has been revealed demonstrates level design taking elements from Classic Sonic’s portion of the zone and utilizing the Death Egg Robot’s for a set piece.
Chaos Island
This by far was the most surprising inclusion. Sonic Frontiers has Boost-like levels via the Cyber Space content but the islands are far more open. Turning that into a traditional Boost level is an inspired decision but what has been revealed is exciting.
Utilizing Shadow’s new ‘Doom Morph power, Shadow can dive into toxic pools and swing across gaps throughout the level. In addition, recent footage in the newest ‘Story Trailer’ features Shadow grinding down a rail as a volcano erupts. In some ways, Chaos Island seems to be melding elements of Sonic 06’s ‘Flame Core’ level and the original Island from Frontiers.
Other Zones?
While ‘all’ the zones have been revealed, I believe more are on the way. While other games are represented, Shadow the Hedgehog (2005) doesn’t have a zone representative as of yet. I assume that ‘Black Comet’, that game’s final zone, will return as Shadow Generations, final level. Residing on the Black Arm’s home turf, the alien comet’s purple color scheme and futuristic-looking areas make it stand out amongst the current level variety.

In addition, during TGS, a new remix of ‘Westopolis’ from Shadow the Hedgehog was played, making me assume that level will return in some form. The zone is the moody city level, where Shadow sky-dives into an open road and speeds past Black Arms aliens and GUN Soldiers alike, with your choices in the level deciding where the narrative continues from (helping Sonic to defeat the aliens or helping Black Doom kill all the GUN soldiers).
Regarding how it could work in Shadow Generations, I imagine it would meld other city levels from Shadow’s game and use all their set pieces for some fun moments.
New Boss Fights Revealed
New bosses were revealed for the game, including the Sonic Heroes’ final boss ‘Metal Overlord’, Sonic 06’s Mephiles the Dark, and even a new rival battle/race with Sonic himself.
Keanu Joins ‘Shadow Generations’
Announced during Sony’s September 2024 State of Play, Kenau’s Sonic 3 version of the character joins the Sonic X Shadow Generations adventure. Being described as a ‘bonus’ to the main experience by series producer Shun Nakamura, the ‘Sonic 3 Movie Pack’ will have Shadow running through a Sonic 3-inspired Toyko, being voiced by Keanu himself.

A PlayStation Blog post goes into great detail about how the level pack was included in Sonic X Shadow Generations, with this detail standing out;
It was an incredibly secretive process, so when we started to implement the voice in the game, we actually weren’t told who this voice is. The voice recording was handled by Iizuka-san in the US, so when we received the recorded voice files, we listened to it and felt, is this that actor…?, so we were also surprised after the official announcement from Paramount!
So even Sonic Team themselves were unaware Keanu himself being the voice of Shadow in Sonic 3, showing how different parts of SEGA talk to one another. This level pack is included in the Digital Deluxe edition of Sonic X Shadow Generations and will be released on December 12th.
Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings
Announced earlier this year, the three-part Shadow Generations: Dark Beginnings begins with the first episode.
It features Shadow remembering his time on the Ark, having a quiet moment with Maria before chaos ensues and a greater mystery is revealed. The impressive animation on display, the authentic writing honoring the history of Shadow’s character in Sonic Adventure 2, and how genuinely dark the tone was towards the end. I loved the short and weekly leading up to the launch of Shadow Generations, two more episodes are set for release.
Final Story Trailer Breakdown
The final major trailer leading into Shadow Generations launch on October 22nd and 25th was released ahead of the latest Sony State of Play and SEGA’s TGS showing.
It kicks off with Gerald and Maria Robotnik watching over Shadow in his pod, before showing him in the ‘future’. Shadow then becomes face-to-face with Black Doom’s return. Declaring he will defeat one of his ‘creators’ once and for all, the Ultimate Life form powers through the recently revealed ‘Sunset Heights’ and ‘Chaos Island’, showing off his new Doom Powers in full force.
The trailer, which has a killer remix of ‘Sunset Heights’ Act 1 theme, ends with Shadow seeing Maria and Gearald in the White Space overworld. This is the first time he has seen his ‘family’ in the flesh in the entire series. Every other time he’s seen or mentioned them was through flash-back moments. Utilizing time travel, Maria interacting with Shadow on some level, is very exciting.
And knowing the emotional heartstrings Ian Flynn managed to pull off across his run writing various Sonic comics, Sonic Frontiers, and other projects, I cannot wait to see how he tackles such a serious plot thread like this one.
Closing Thoughts
As Lord of Gaming biggest fan of the Sonic series, I cannot be happier with how much SEGA has been putting into this latest adventure for Sonic and Shadow.
The marketing has been on fire, the game looking incredibly promising, and taking major lessons from Forces and Frontiers has shown growth within Sonic Team. Seeing a bigger budget given to the Sonic Team is exciting, making me eager to see what a Sonic Frontiers sequel will look like.
Will you help the Ultimate Life form face his past once again? Let us know in the comments below!