ILP Interview with Gamerax Jake Baldino

PAX East 2020 Interview: GamerRanx’s Jake Baldino

The Lords of Gaming are live on the PAX East floor covering the latest and greatest games. The LOGNET crew sat down with Gameranx‘s own Jake Baldino. This is part 2 of 3 in a series of interviews with content creators during PAX East 2020.

Jake Baldino outlined his YouTube gaming journey, starting with his humble beginnings of starting out in a basement to now amassing over 5 million subscribers. Eventually, Gameranx reached out to him and offered him a modest job of creating video content in-line with the website.

He also talked about his movie commentary roots on YouTube, while also noting the importance of developing your own personality as a content creator. Baldino also gave some pointers to aspiring YouTubers. Tips such as coming to events and meeting with different content creators and working your way up. Check out the full interview below:

See Part One of Content Creator Interviews: LaurenZside and Bobizard


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