Eiyuden Chronicle August 2022 Update


Another month means another Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes update. Over the past few days, we have witnessed great upcoming games. Also, Rabbit&Bear and 505 Games provided a little Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes trailer for IGN during Gamescom. This month’s update is a little shorter, but we get a monster to reveal, game asset images, Murayama’s monthly update, a word from the team, and I’ll show you the trailer.

Monster Reveal: Hardknock

Here we have a rune golem known as a Hardknock. Rune golems are powerful monsters that like to prey on hapless intruders in an area where they reside. When an adventurer happens to run into one, the rune golem will use its powerful arms to smash the life out of them. So adventurers be wary when venturing near them or intruding as these Eiyuden Chronicle monsters would think.

Game Asset Images

After seeing these game asset images for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes you can get even more excited. These images appeared to be pulled from the trailer you will see shortly. We get to see a few different characters out of the 110 that are going to be in the game. You get a small look at how the turn-based combat should look with a 6 person based party. They show a couple of monsters that appear to look like big boss fights for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes.

I won’t name all the characters that we expect to see, so you can look at other previous Eiyuden Chronicle articles. One thing I will say is if you are a Suikoden fan then you will notice a very cool image that is kind of a throwback. If you look at the top left image it brings back Suikoden 2 vibes where you duel your best friend from childhood. Super excited to see more images in the future.

Murayama’s Monthly Update

In the month’s update Murayama wanted to tell us this:

As you’ve probably already seen in this update, a new Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes trailer will be released at Gamescom 2022! We’re still right in the middle of development, which includes work on the appearance of the game itself, so certain things may change… But I hope it still gives you a better idea of how the finished product will look. Currently in the dev cycle, I’m personally at a stage I often reached when working on the Suikoden series…A stage I like to call the ‘manual labor’ part.

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes features over 100 unique characters, and its large cast is one of its biggest draws, so a large quantity of text has to be created for all the different scenes. For example, when you choose a character for your battle party, if we decide to have the characters say a line there, we’ll naturally need to make a line for each character.

Murayama Wanted To Go More Into Detail

Part of the fun of going through a story comes from the personalities of the characters. What sort of personalities do all these characters have? What sort of values do they have, what sort of things do they like, and what sort of goals are they trying to achieve? These aspects are actually deeply entwined with the game’s systems. As I wrote above, if we decide to put a line in for each character every time you decide to add them to your party, we need to make sure it expresses that character’s personality.

So they all have to be unique. Some characters might be overjoyed to join the battle party, while others may see it as nothing as a chore. Still others might be nervous, and so on and so forth. Getting glimpses of the Eiyuden Chronicle characters like this is part of the fun of the game. Still, no matter what part of the game I’m working on at any given time, preparing data like this for every single character is a huge labor. No matter how tiring it gets, I just have to keep chipping away at it, like good old fashioned physical labor, day by day. It certainly isn’t easy, I can tell you that!

A Word From The Team

Director Komuta has this to say this month:

I hope you’re all surviving the lingering heat wherever you may be. Japan is still as hot as ever, but how are things out where you live? Komu-nichiwa, komu-banwa. I’m Director Komuta. This year, Japan’s summer feels even hotter than usual. No matter how little time I happen to spend outside, I still end up feeling like it’s robbed my body of all its water. Reminds me of when I went to visit Thailand in the summer, many moons ago.

Regardless of the heat, we’re still working hard on Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. Remember when I showed you a tiny peek of a screen in last month’s update? Well, this is what that mine dungeon used to look like when it was just a test map!

After making sure there are no problems with a map in its rough form we gradually add details. We add lighting, and effects until it turns into the kind of map you saw last month. Then, after a lot more work, we finally polish it into something that we’re proud to show off. Up until now, I know there have been multiple times where we said ‘we’ll be able to show you something soon,’ then failed to deliver… Just like the boy who cried wolf. But I hope you’re all excited about Gamescom!


I know the Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes updates have been kind of small these past couple of months. The team is hard at work providing the best possible experience. We have received plenty of character reveals among other types of information and the information will soon start flowing again. We got some great images to unpack and a peek into what the team is doing. Now is still the time to be excited and spread the word about Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes! The game will release on all platforms and will even be available on day one for Game Pass subscribers!

Enjoy the trailer the team put together!

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