Each xbox console and controller from each generation in order

My Favorite Xbox Game from Each Generation

7 minutes read
Each xbox console and controller from each generation in order

Even though Xbox wasn’t my introduction to gaming, the console still plays a pivotal role. One of my favorite Christmas and gaming memories involves getting my first Xbox and playing Jet Set Radio Future all night. So just like I did with my favorite PlayStation game from each generation, we will do the same for Xbox. So, let’s talk about my favorite Xbox game from each generation.

Berethor, Idrial, and Elegost in battle with three orcs while you select actions

Original Xbox – Lord of the Rings The Third Age

For me, the very first Xbox generation was the hardest to choose from. There were a lot of great games I enjoyed like Halo 2, Fable, Sudeki, ESPN NFL 2K5, SSX Tricky, NFL Fever, and many more. While it was a hard decision I believe my favorite Xbox game from the original Xbox generation was Lord of the Rings: The Third Age. While it isn’t only on Xbox, it’s the one I played the most there and therefore it’s my favorite. There were many great qualities this game had to offer for example two people could couch co-op the game. That isn’t a very common feature for RPGs like this. I also enjoyed there was plenty of action from beginning to end.

At times it was difficult, but it was enjoyable and not overbearing. You get to play as some of the actual heroes Gandalf, Aragorn, Legolas, etc, through some legendary moments. All this while your main characters seem to be kind of shadowing the fellowship and still feel important. It also had an Evil Mode where you can go back through and play as the evil people against the good characters. The graphics were great for the time too. Places such as Helm’s Deep, Osgiliath, Moria, and other locations look fantastic and emphasize the aesthetics of those legendary locations. This is one of the many older RPGs that I believe deserves a remake and I could play it over and over. What I shared is only a sliver of how great that game is. That is why it is my favorite Xbox game from the original Xbox generation.

Master Chief running with the Halo 3 title on screen

Xbox 360 – Halo 3

My favorite Xbox game for the 360 generation is also a difficult decision. Unlike the original Xbox, I can easily narrow it to three games or series. Halo 3, Mass Effect, Phantasy Star Universe. While each game holds a very special place for me for different reasons and sometimes, I rank Mass Effect higher on an all-time list I have to go with Halo 3. Halo 3 was why I convinced my buddy Jake to buy an Xbox 360 with money he was supposed to be saving. I’m glad he did though, because it introduced us to a whole new world of gaming and people. Even though we were already great friends, it even brought us together even more.

Then there were my buddies Nikki, Trevor, James, and Dave. Can’t tell you how many times we split-screened or played together for hours upon hours. It didn’t matter if it was a campaign run, skull runs, or multiplayer, we always had a blast. I lived with Dave and Jake even lived with me for a time too. Nikki, Trevor, and James practically did too at times. Beyond that though I said I met many people, because of Xbox Live and Halo 3. One of my closest friends I met back then over Halo 3 whose name was Psychotic Oompa, is someone I’m still very close with. We met over Game Battles for Halo and ended up being a part of a clan (team) together.

We Always Game Together

Chris Jones and his buddy posing for a picture

After a few times playing together, we were inseparable and played almost every single night! He even invited me and one of my bosses to his wedding in 2009. So, we drove to Missouri just to meet him and a few other Xbox friends in person and stay overnight for the wedding. I even went for another visit in 2020 and stayed with him and his wife for a week. I consider Oompa whose real name is Josh, his brother Mike, and his family all family and they are very special to me. They played a big part in my life. With that said you can see why Halo 3 is ultimately my favorite Xbox game from the 360 generation.

The God Ra going down the right lane and unleashing one of his abilities

Xbox One – Smite

I thought this generation was going to be a fairly easy choice. It was actually more difficult than I thought. When it comes to my favorite Xbox game from the Xbox One era I narrowed it down to Smite, Neverwinter, Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag, and Middle Earth Shadow of War. Smite is the game I picked for this generation. Even though it came on PC first and I played it there since its release at that time, I’m counting it for this era. Smite on Xbox One gave me a some of my friends a game we would play for years. My friends Riley, Wesley, and Joey, among others, and I would throw down for hours with their favorite gods and goddesses.

Even though friendships were built before we all played Smite together, this is one of many games that could bring us all together. Did we all agree on what every person should be doing? Absolutely not! But many laughs were had. Smite was a game we talked about even when we weren’t playing. To be able to have a game that you can play with friends for a long time is special. So, while not the main reason Smite helped cement my friendship with these guys. Riley is even at the point of writing this my actual real-life boss and one of my best friends. That is why Smite is my favorite game from the Xbox One generation.

Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes battle with giant orange ruin in the middle

Xbox Series X/S – Eiyuden Chronicle Hundred Heroes

Last but not least we have the current generation. It is also more difficult as time goes on. Like A Dragon 7, Like A Dragon Infinite Wealth, and Baldur’s Gate 3 are all games that float around when I think about my favorite and might overtake my choice. But my favorite Xbox game of the Xbox Series generation is Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes. I’m sure that is a surprise to nobody out there. It is the spiritual successor to my favorite video game series of all time. It is also made by Rabbit & Bear Studios which is made up of some of the main developers from my favorite series.

images of 4 of the mini games from eiyuden chronicle hundred heroes

Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes is special for many things. You can recruit 120 characters that they took time to make each feel unique with their own personality and background. The mini-games especially the card game and Beigoma are a blast to play. So much work went into the theatre mode so everyone could have unique lines for the plays. There is voice acting for the characters and you have a phenomenal story that has its own “oh crap” moments. In addition to all, that the music evokes emotion and the artwork provides something special we don’t get to see often. That is why it’s my favorite game of the Xbox Series generation.


I know some people might say well most of these aren’t “Xbox” games however, they were on Xbox and my favorites during those generations. Each of these was more difficult than I thought, especially the original Xbox generation. Over time my taste in gaming has grown and there aren’t many genres I don’t like. Just like PlayStation, Xbox has had a profound impact on my life in many ways. It will be interesting to see what Xbox has in store for gaming in the future. With that said now you know my favorite Xbox games from each generation. What are your favorites? Make sure to let me know!

Chris Jones

Sports, Wrestling, Gaming, Family Man, Anime, and MTG. Old school JRPGs and Turn-Based games are my favorite. Enjoying podcasting and writing.